Page 45 of Indulge Me Tonight

“After what happened yesterday, the press might get their story if they wait a little longer.”

“Everybody, please,” Faro urged as the nervous pitch of combined voices rose. “Maybe it’d be a good idea to take a break for a day or two, just to relax and enjoy the beauty of Tielle’s place.”

Tielle waited for some slight against her place of business. There was little dissention, and she gave a prayer of thanks for small favors.

“Does that sound good to everyone?”

A low murmur of voices seemed to agree with Faro’s suggestion. He looked toward Tielle. “Sorry about this, Ti. Will changing things around upset the events planned for us this week?”

“We can make it work,” Tielle said.

Faro nodded, turned back to his family. “Enjoy a great breakfast, folks, and we’ll see each other for lunch and dinner.”

“Whew, that was a lucky break,” Laura noted, watching the group.

“Yeah…” Tielle sighed. “Lucky…”

* * *

Following another colder shower, Grae decided to give Leo a call. The way things had ended with Tielle had Grae turned almost inside out. Having her again felt like sheer joy. Yet that joy was marred by the realization that his excitement had thrown his aggression into such a state that he’d bruised her. He should’ve anticipated that. He was always a tad overly aggressive when he’d gone too long without her. Not to mention him being under added stress with the goings-on of the supposed family retreat.

He was ready to force his brother’s hand, put an end to this and focus on repairing things with his ex-wife. Grae didn’t know if it was just a stretch of bad timing or a sign of things not to be when Leo called and told him he was on his way up there and why.

Grae was too stunned to be angry. “What’s he want with the land deed?”

“You should talk to Des about that, son,” Leo said.

“Why would she go along with that—giving Faro that deed?”

“I only hold her power of attorney,” Leo said. “All the rest is for her to share, but your father left that thing with her for a reason. We both know Ken intended for you to have it when Desree passes on.”

“And my brother’s strong-arming her for it.” Grae seemed to be speaking to himself. He leaned back against the pillow-lined headboard of his bed and recalled the strange exchange he’d witnessed between his brother and aunt the day before.

“It’s time to do what I’d planned before all this crap got underway. Turn around, Leo, save yourself a trip up here.”

“Grae…man, think before you do this. Faro’s a snake, but he is family, and he has support among a few. Moving forward with this plan may not fare well for you.”

“Hell, Leo, I don’t care about a future at Clegg.” Grae pushed off the bed and applied a harsh massage to the back of his neck. “I’ve given way too much of myself to that place already, and I wound up losing what I value most.”

“Look, I’m already halfway there,” Leo said. “Just wait till I get there or at least until after you talk to Des.”

“There’s no waiting, Leo. It’s already done.”

“What?” Leo only needed a moment to answer his own question. “You’ve gone through with it but haven’t told anyone?”

“Only a few needed to know.” Grae drew closer to the windows overlooking a forested expanse of the property. “After Ti divorced me, I was so insane I—I put it all in motion, made plans for my revenge on Faro. I blamed him for losing Tel, when it was me and my…ways… Even so, I never said anything. Part of me still hoped there was a relationship to salvage with my brother. Stupid, huh?”

“No, man, no… So where do things stand?”

“If you’re on your way here, chances are I can tell you that in person.”

“Talk to Des,” Leo urged.

“I will,” Grae promised with a sigh. “But I think tolerating Faro has played itself out.”

“Remember, he brought the family there. His plan is to bring you guys together. It’ll make you look like the black hat to set things in motion that’ll tear that apart.”