Page 12 of Indulge Me Tonight

Laura leaned against the doorjamb, folded her arms over her middle. “What about Grae?”

“Humph.” Tielle leaned back against the window. “I doubt he’ll miss me.”

Silently, she recalled what he’d said about her not being his business anymore. Looking out the window again, she noticed two SUVs coming down the hill and leaving clouds of dust in their wake.

She smiled. “And the drama begins.”

Laura joined Tielle at the window to observe the procession. “Why don’t you let me greet the gang? You can receive your guests in the sunroom.”

Tielle squeezed the hand Laura had clasped over her forearm. “Thanks, girl.”

A serious look stole across Laura’s honey-toned face. “You don’t owe these people anything.”

With that reminder, Laura left the office.

Alone, Tielle turned her gaze beyond the window, watching as the two SUVs drew closer to the main house. Several yards behind them were a trio of cars.

Yes, she thought, the gang was all here.

She was sure none of the gang would want to miss out on the chance to tell her what they thought of her. Not that they hadn’t made a career of doing so during her marriage to Grae. Tielle rolled her eyes as more vehicles traversed the dirt road leading in.

Resolute, she stood and walked across the office to give herself a once-over in the floor-length mirror on the door to her private bathroom. Satisfied, she set out.

* * *

Tielle was certain that Faro would want to make an entrance and bask in the accomplishment of bringing his family together under one roof for the purpose of healing. Instead, he walked in among the group laughing and talking as if his family’s close bonds had never been tested and that he hadn’t been the one who had tested them the most.

Laura must have told Faro where to find Tielle. He was first to arrive in the sunroom that faced the enormous and professionally manicured rear lawn.

“Ti!” The short, dark man greeted his ex-sister-in-law with open arms. “Thanks for agreeing to this,” he said while squeezing her in his welcome embrace.

“Faro, I—”

“Well, well, isn’t this a familiar sight? The two best buds cozied up.”

The unmistakable female voice reached Tielle’s ears before she could complete her response to Faro. She looked around the man’s slender frame to see his cousins Ranata and Asia. It was Asia who had spoken. The statuesque lovely sauntered into the sunroom. Her stiletto boots intermittently clicked and quieted as they moved from the hardwood flooring to the plush, ornately designed throws in the expansive room. She took inventory of the breathtaking spot as though there was little truly impressive about the area.

Late-afternoon sunlight was beginning to cascade into the room, sending spectrums of color through the cut-glass lamp bottoms and bathing the healthy potted plants and deep, cushioned furnishings in liquid gold.

“Another expensive retreat on the books, Ti-Ti?” Asia’s voice was husky yet with a distinctly nasal element. “Aren’t you already getting enough of Grae’s money in the settlement?”

“Nice to see you, Asia,” Tielle somehow managed.

Asia’s glossy, full lips twisted into a nasty smile. “No need to lie.”

“All right, then.” Tielle tried not to appear too gleeful when Asia’s smile froze.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Laura arrived then with two of the retreat’s baggage attendants in tow. “We’re about to take a look at the sleeping quarters, if you all would be so kind as to join us?”

Asia had recovered somewhat from her embarrassment. “Come on, Ranata,” she ordered the silent, petite woman at her side.

Faro looked apologetic and rubbed Tielle’s shoulder when the women had gone. “I know this won’t be easy,” he said.

“Smart man.”

Faro grinned. “I am thankful that you agreed to all this.”

Tielle folded her arms. “Looks like Grae didn’t accept your invite. Maybe you won’t need me here for this after all.”

“Mr. Clegg?” Laura called to Faro before he could respond to Tielle. “Would you mind joining the others for a moment?”

Tielle caught Laura’s eye with a glance of gratitude when Faro obliged without comment. Alone in the dazzling room, Tielle hid her face behind her palms and groaned. Once her emotions began to settle, she went back to the windows to take stock of the cars lining the yard and prepared herself for the next round of guests.