Page 98 of Echoes of the Heart

“It’s good,” he chuckled. “Now lips.”

I leaned in and pressed mine to his.

“You meant my lips on yours, right?”

He hummed. “Always.”

I chuckled as I leaned back, reached over and grabbed the lone tube of lipstick. I uncapped it, rolled it up and puckered my lips. Risk mirrored my action so I dabbed the colour on the centre of his plump lips then used my baby finger to feather it out so it blended into his natural lip colour. I tilted my head. He looked sexy.

“I wanna kiss you but I’ll get the lipstick all over me.”

“Pity.” Risk grinned. “How much d’you wanna kiss me?”

I shifted, grinding my behind over Risk’s groin. He hissed, looked down and groaned when I rotated my hips slowly.

“So badly.”

“Vixen.” He snapped his teeth at me. “You’re being naughty.”

“I can’t help it. I want you. Can we have a quickie?”

I had seen fleeting images of him on stage, but never studied them. I had never seen him up close and personal with his stage clothes and make-up. It was really turning me on.

“No.” Risk shook his head. “Wait until after the show. I’ll be so full of adrenaline that I’ll fuck you hard and for so long that you’ll walk funny afterwards.”

I felt my eyebrows shoot up.


“Really,” he slid his hands up my back. “This is another first for me. A new kind of foreplay that I think I’m going to like. I’m going to tease myself with you while knowing I have to perform a whole set before I can have you. Hell. I’m so hard, baby.”

I felt his thick length under me.

“Does it make you harder to know I’m wet and swollen for you?”

“Yes,” he hissed. “How wet are you, baby?”

“Dripping.” I licked my lips. “I can already feel the fat head of your cock sink into my hot, tight cunt. You’ll fuck me slowly, pull my hair and bite me because you can. I want to feel pain when you fuck me.”

“Christ in heaven.”

“Jesus, Frankie . . . that was hot.”

“It’s always the quiet ones.”

“Leave her alone you three, she’s so cute.”

I forgot people were within hearing distance and I felt my face burn under my make-up. I locked eyes with Risk and when he laughed, so did I, but I swatted his shoulders.

“I’m gonna kill you,” I warned him. “I never talk like that.”

“I’m glad I bring the vixen out in you, Cherry.”

“Just hush.”

Risk chuckled as I got up. I was embarrassed, and to take myself out of the situation I had put myself in, I grabbed my phone and dialled Michael’s number as I joined Risk on the sofa with May and Angel. Games weren’t on the television anymore. An action movie was.

“Hi, Frankie.”

“Hi Michael.” I put my finger in my free ear. “How is Mum?”

“The same,” he answered. “She’s slept most of today. How is the concert? Are you having fun, kid?”

“I am.” I smiled. “It’s hasn’t started yet, I’m backstage with Risk and the guys. It’s so cool, I want to touch everything.”

Michael laughed, Risk snorted next to me.

“I’m glad you’re lettin’ your legs stretch, girl. Ye need this break.”

I didn’t realise how right Michael was until that moment, but guilt quickly followed.

“Are you sure Mum is okay?” I pressed. “I feel guilty not being home in case she needs me.”

Risk kissed the side of my neck, comforting me.

“Frankie,” Michael sighed. “Your ma would be the first person to push ye into experiencin’ the world. There is more to life than Southwold, y’know?”

I was beginning to grasp that.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Have fun.” Michael stressed. “No worryin’, just have fun.”

“I will.” I smiled. “I promised.”

“Good. Now, go and rock out, or whatever it is Risk and his bandmates do.”

I laughed. “I will. I love you.”

“I love ye too, kid.”

When the call ended, the guys were being told they had to get ready. I remained seated while Angel, May and Hayes got to change clothes. Like Risk, they got dressed quickly. They didn’t wear make-up like Risk so they had one step to skip. A short while later, the guys were getting their wireless in-ear packs clipped onto the backs of their jeans. I noticed that each pair of in-ear headphones were a different colour. Risk’s were dark green, May’s were red, Hayes’s were blue and Angel’s were black.

“I like your in-ear thingys,” I said to Risk when I got up and crossed the room to him. He left his in-ears hanging around his neck for the time being. “The colour is pretty.”

“Ask me why they’re green.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay, why’re they green?”

“Because it’s my favourite colour,” he answered. “Ask me why green is my favourite colour.”

“Uh, why is green your favourite colour?”

“Because your eyes are green, Cherry. Dark emerald green. They are my favourite colour.”

My throat ran dry.


“I know,” he grinned. “You think I’m cute.”