Page 97 of Echoes of the Heart

“I don’t like that music,” I told them, feeling uneasy. “Why is it getting louder?”

“It’s boss music.”

What the hell is boss music?

I was about to voice my question to May when a terrifying-looking monster grabbed Angel’s character. When I screamed, May jumped then laughed. Angel fell against me as he cracked up. I placed my hand on my chest and I was laughing too, but it was nervous laughter at best.

“She’s fine,” Hayes suddenly cackled. “Your fly is down.”

I sat up and turned. Risk was staring directly at me from the doorway of the bathroom as he zipped up his jeans and buttoned them.

“You,” he said, “scared the shit outta me.”

I clamped my lips together to keep from smiling.

My humour fled when my eyes dropped to his body. He had on skintight, black distressed jeans that had a silver chain hanging from one belt hole at the front to one around the back. He had on a black fitted denim vest that was hanging open. His washboard abs, his treasure trail, his whole toned-as-hell torso was on display. His muscular, tattooed arms were such a visual delight that I stared at them. He had full sleeves from the back of his fingers all the way up his arms, which ended half-way up his neck. I had seen him naked. I spent the day in bed with him on Saturday, I got to see his tattoos but when he was dressed as Risk Keller, global rock star . . . my vagina took notice.

I got up from the sofa, rounded it and approached him. His eyes never left mine once.

“You’re looking like you wanna fuck me, Cherry.”

He had no idea.

“The others don’t dress the same?”

“Nah, the emo look is my thing on stage and in music videos.” He grinned. “You like?”

More than liked.

“I’ve never seen the whole emo look on a guy that isn’t super skinny.” I scanned him from head to toe. “You look healthy, buff . . . so sexy.”

Risk bit his lower lip and grinned . . . a lower lip that had a silver ring in it.

“Is that real?”

“Clip on,” he winked. “I’m too scared to get a real one. Don’t tell anyone.”

I laughed as I slipped my hands under his vest and slid my arms around his waist.

“Later,” I told him. “You better leave that lip ring on when I’m loving you.”

“Yeah?” His eyes darkened. “I’ve a whole bunch of them, I’ll wear them all if you want me to.”

I giggled up at him. I followed him when he took my arm and led me over to the make-up station. He sat down on the chair in front of the vanity and clapped his hands on both of his muscular thighs.

“Straddle me.”

I hesitated. “I’ve never done make-up on someone before. I think I should stand so I can concentrate better.”

“And I think you should sit your fat arse on my dick while you do my make-up.”

My face burned and I reached out and pinched his nipple without a thought, making him hiss. “You don’t have to be so bloody crude, Risk.”

Risk’s laughter set everyone off as he rubbed his nipple then patted his legs again. I eyed him, exhaled a breath, then straddled him. I rested my feet on the bars that went across the legs of the chair and I got myself comfortable. Risk’s hands, surprise surprise, went to my behind.

“Eyes and lips?”

He nodded. “Google me, you’ll see pictures of me on stage and what it normally looks like.”

I leaned back and removed my phone from my pocket and did exactly that. He was right, he didn’t wear a lot of make-up, his eyes were lined on the top and bottom and smudged on the outer corner. His lips were darkened, but only in the centre of his lips. They looked like May’s hair; blood red.

“If I mess up,” I said, “Summer will fix it, she’s really good at that.”

Risk watched me as I grabbed one of the black eyeliner pencils. I bit down on my lower lip, cleared my throat and got to work. He closed one eye so I could draw a line tight to his lash line then when he opened it, he looked up so I could apply liner to his lower lash line and water line. I held my breath until I was finished because I was very aware of the fact that I could possibly blind the man. I repeated my steps on the other eye then I grabbed a little pencil with a sponge on the end of it and I smudged the liner above and below his eyes. I leaned back when I was done and nodded.

“What d’you think?”

Risk looked in the mirror. “Looks good to me.”

“Really?” I gnawed on my lip. “I won’t be offended if it’s rubbish, I’d rather Summer fix it.”