Page 17 of Echoes of the Heart

“Mate,” he said, shaking his head and placing his hands on his wide hips. “I need to shift a few stone. My mum joined Slimming World last week and some of the dishes she made are super healthy and tasty as fuck. She said I can follow along with her plan too. I don’t even care if you or Hayes rip me a new one.”

This made me happy and not because I wanted to take the piss out of him.

“Good for you, mate. Soon you’ll be able to come running with me.”

“Ha!” May barked. “You run in the morning and at night like a fitness junkie, no thanks.”

I wasn’t a fitness junkie, not by a long stretch. I couldn’t afford to lose any weight, but I still went running twice a day just so I could get out of the Days’ house. They didn’t starve me, but they only fed me three meals a day because that was all the human body needed, Owen said. Most of the time, I didn’t even jog when I went out. I just wandered around until it was close to my curfew so I could go back to the house I lived in and go straight to sleep.

“We can walk too,” I pointed out to May. “That’s still good exercise.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re ri— boy! What the fuck happened to your ugly mug?”

I lifted my hand to my sore face, forced a laugh and told him the story I had rehearsed in my head and by the time I finished, May was cracking up. Hayes showed up at that moment and May rehashed everything I just told him and soon, they were both laughing at me. I laughed too and pretended that the story I made up was real because it beat the alternative.

“Lad,” Hayes winced. “It’s all swollen and black and blue, you’d take less damage from a punch.”

“Yeah,” I snorted. “I probably would.”

We talked about football, comic books and music as we boarded our bus to school and pulled up at Sir John Leman High School. I made it through the entire day without too many questions about my face until the last period of the day – History. Our teacher took ill over the lunch break and there was no substitute to look after us so we had a free period. We had to keep quiet; the teacher in the classroom next door left the door open and she would frequently pop in to make sure we weren’t acting up.

One of my classmates asked me what happened and the whole bloody room stopped what they were doing and listened as I repeated my story. By the time I had finished, I was grinning because of how much everyone was laughing but I couldn’t help but feel like a complete and total fraud. I looked around the room at the smiling faces and stopped at one who wasn’t so much as grinning my way, she looked proper pissed off if I was being honest with myself.

Frankie Fulton was a classmate and most definitely the best-looking girl in my year, or at least I thought she was. She had auburn hair, big green eyes and skin so fair she looked like she glowed. I had fancied her for as long as I could remember, but did nothing about it because I didn’t know what to do about it. I tried to give her a smile, but she was looking at me so intently that I couldn’t hold the contact and looked down at my workbook. I felt her gaze on me throughout the whole period and when class was over, she stopped by my desk before I could escape the room.


I looked up at her and froze because she was looking at me like she knew my deepest, darkest secret.

“Hey.” My voice cracked so I quickly cleared my throat. “Hey, Frankie.”

She blinked. “You get off the bus at Cumberland Road, right?”

May and Hayes stopped behind Frankie when they realised she was talking to me and they both widened their eyes and looked at me like I was some sort of bird magnet, but the reality was, I had no clue why Frankie was talking to me. She hardly ever spoke to anyone, let alone me. She listened to her headphones the majority of the time and liked to keep to herself. I was as stunned as my friends that she was interacting me with me at all.

“Uh.” I blinked up at her. “Yeah. Yeah, I get off at that stop.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “I’ll get off there today and you can walk me home.”

She didn’t ask permission, she was telling me what I was going to do and I wasn’t about to disagree with her so I bobbed my head and said, “Okay.”

She nodded then turned and left the classroom along with the rest of our classmates. May and Hayes both smacked me at different points on my body as I grabbed my stuff and shoved it into my bag at rapid speed.