Page 20 of Lavish Loving

“Did you hear anything yet?”

“No. The letters went out just last week.”

“I thought you were taking a break from modeling,” Ike said. “Making a point to spend more time with your family.”

“The big one you don’t need to see anymore until next year?”

“Don’t get cute, young lady. I’m talking about your immediate family. Your grandparents are getting older. You owe them a visit. You’ve got nieces and nephews you barely know, and in-laws, too.”

“Whose fault is that?” London mumbled.

“You really want my answer?” Ike challenged.

“Let’s not go there, you two. The past is over and can’t be retrieved. Let’s treat the present like it is, a gift.”

It had always been this way between London and her father. The friction came from the fact they were so much alike.

“I do want to stay close by, Dad,” London admitted. “Being with the family this weekend made me realize how much I’ve truly missed you guys, how I’ve just missed…family. And while I’m sure this will shock the both of you I really am ready to take a break from my jet-setter life. I’m taking off from full-time modeling for at least a year. This job would be for a month, basically walking the four major fashion weeks for OTB, and that’s it.”

Jennifer nodded. “New York, Paris, Milan…and what’s the other?”

“Really, Mom?”

“Oh, right!” Jennifer laughed. “London!” She placed a hand on Ike’s forearm. “Perhaps one of the executives has business up north, darling,” Jennifer offered. “I recall you mentioning Junior having a meeting at Ten Drake Plaza. Clarisse can ride along and see our latest acquisition. Getting a designer like Mr. Montgomery on board could mean lots of money for the community center.”

“Yes, Dad,” London added, “the Drake Community Center. Company business.”

“Where are my sons when I need them? I’m clearly outnumbered.” Ike’s look toward his daughter was one of exasperation mixed with a grudging respect. “Ike has a meeting at Ten Drake Plaza on Wednesday or Thursday. You can ride up with him. But for the return? You’re on your own. It won’t kill you to fly commercial.”

“Thanks, Dad!” London kissed her father’s cheek and headed toward the hallway.

“Clarisse, where are you going?”

“To call my agent to make the appointment with Ace.”

“In the middle of dinner?”

“It will just take a moment. I’ll be back before my food gets cold.”

London took the stairs two at a time. She was a veteran, had performed in amazing runway shows all over the world. But none had felt quite as exciting as this one. Because if London had her way, she’d walk directly off that runway into Ace Montgomery’s bedroom.


The next day a knock sounded on Ace’s office door. It opened before he could say a word.

“By all means, Mira, come on in.”

She did—smiling wide, eyes beaming. “I’ve got great news and an even greater idea.” She sat in one of two chairs facing Ace’s paper-strewn desk. “London’s agent just called. She’s in.”

Ace nodded, still absorbed in the designs on his computer screen.

“Ace, did you hear me?”

“Yes. London has agreed to meet with us. I knew she might.”

“No, not just meet with us. She’s agreed to walk the runway in all four shows!”

Ace slowly raised his head. “Are you sure?”

“I know, it’s amazing. I can’t believe she’s available. And believe it or not, her fee is such that once the shows are over, we’ll still have money in the bank.”

Ace sat back, searching for meaning behind London’s quick and affirmative answer. “That is great news.”

“I thought you’d be more excited.”

“I am. Just stunned. I mean, I talked to her, but—”

“You’ve talked to her?” He nodded. “How cozy.”

“No big deal. We exchanged numbers in Temecula. She’ll be amazing.”

“Is there something I need to know about you two?”