Jake shuddered, giving her two last tense thrusts, and then eased his hands from her hair.

Sin sucked him deep then came off and sat back, gazing up at him.

Jake’s expression was raw, shaken, his cheeks tinged with red, and his eyes so dark and so filled with darkening emotion, Sin blinked hard.

“I love you,” he said, cupping her cheeks.

Sin licked her trembling lips. “I love you, too.”

He bent, thrust his hands beneath her arms, and lifted her to the edge of the bed, pushing her back and gently draping her thighs over his shoulders.

Wordlessly, she watched as he opened her with his fingers and licked the cream seeping from inside her, before thrusting his fingers deep and suckling her clit until she came apart.

“O’Rourke, Lieutenant Kalisek wants you,” Beno Martinez called out as she headed to roll call.

Sin gave Jake a charged glance. “Damn, think they changed their minds about an inquiry?”

Jake gave her a tight smile. “I’ll wait outside. Whatever it is, it’ll be okay.”

The lieutenant’s door was opened. She stepped inside, feeling differently than she had just days ago. The last time, she’d been wary, defensive…afraid. This time, Jake had her back. And she knew she was good cop. She belonged here.

“Close that door and have a seat,” Kalisek said, looking up from the reports strewn across his desk.

As she sat on the edge of the leather chair, she held his steady gaze.

“Seen any ghosts?” he asked, his gaze sharpening.

Sin lifted her chin. “And if I have?”

“Just askin’.” Then he smiled.

She narrowed her gaze, wondering what he was playing at. “This about the other night?”

His brows rose. “The robbery? No. It’s about another assignment.”

Sin grew still. “I don’t want another partner. Chappa and I are doing just fine.”

“You haven’t killed each other yet, anyway.” At her glare, he lifted his hand. “Didn’t mean it that way. Looks like you’ve worked out your differences. That’s good.”

“All right, so now I’m confused. What’s this all about?”

Kalisek opened his desk drawer, pulled out a sheet of paper, and slid it across the desk. “Something’s being arranged for the two of you. In the meantime, until you get the call, use this frequency if you spot anything…unusual.”

Sin took the sheet, read it and slowly folded it into a small square to tuck inside her pocket. “You know what this is about?”

Kalisek’s lips pursed then he blew out a breath. “Let’s just say, only Theo Petrakis and I will be monitoring that freq. That’s all I’m going to say right now.”

“And what about this assignment you mentioned?”

“I think you know. You’ll be joining a special unit, strictly ‘need to know’ type investigations. There will be a promotion—that you can’t tell anyone about—and a pay raise.”

She arched a brow. “That I can’t mention as well?”

“You got it.”

“How soon?”

“A couple of days. Details are still being worked out. Ruiz will be assigned a new partner. You two will be working directly under Petrakis.”