She raised her face to meet his gaze. “Jake, if you hadn’t seen…that…tonight, with your own eyes, would you have believed any of it?”

Jake didn’t even blink, but he did draw a deep breath through his nose, his nostrils flaring like a bull at the flutter of a red flag. “I don’t know. Danny’s one thing. That…back at Brackenridge…was just crazy as hell.” At last the anger seemed to dissipate, and his face reflected confusion and more than a little hurt. “Why you, Sin? What’s this gift Theo mentioned to me?”

She shrugged and offered him a weak smile. “Apparently, I can see the demons wearing human skin.”

Jake shuddered and put down his coffee cup. “So, why do these creatures come here?”

“According to Theo, some come to feed. Our suspect was there to steal an artifact, a relic, to increase his master’s power.”

“Did he find it?”

“Yeah, but because I was on his butt, he couldn’t grab it from his host body’s clothes before crossing.” Sin grimaced. “My head’s starting to hurt. Can we stop with the twenty questions now? I don’t know everything. There hasn’t been time, and I feel like they’re testing me. I’m guessing it’ll be a long time before they trust me with everything.”

“All right. No more about Theo and his freak show. But you didn’t answer my first question.” His hand slid across the table and covered hers. “Would you have told me?”

Sin closed her eyes. She hadn’t realized she needed to feel his touch so badly. Uncertainty, fear, even the last remnants of her adrenaline high, all drained away.

When she met his gaze again, she looked deep into his eyes, hoping he read how much she needed him to believe her. “I’d like to think I would have found a way, because I don’t want secrets between us.”

Jake squeezed her hand and let it go. “We’ve both been less than truthful. Baby, it looks like we’re going to need each other more than ever. I have to be able to trust you. Completely.”

Sin nodded then glanced away, blinking. “So, how are you with us? I know you never liked me being a cop. Can you handle this? Do you even want to?”

“Baby, look at me,” he whispered, leaning over the table. “You’re gonna make me crazy whether you’re sitting in a squad car or jumping into Hell. But that’s my problem. I’ll learn to deal.”

Sin bent closer too, a teary smile tugging at her lips. “Sure you think I’m worth the effort?”

“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?” he said, a mock scowl drawing his brows together.

“Right here in the Krispy Kreme. Seems kinda fitting, don’t you think?”

His hands wrapped tightly around his cup, as though he needed something other than her to clutch.

She wouldn’t have minded a little public display of affection but thought that, just maybe, if he was going to say what she hoped he’d say, she might crumple if he did touch her. Instead of reaching out, she warmed her hands around the Styrofoam cup.

Jake’s lips thinned, and he took a deep breath. “Sin, number one…I love you. Number two, I’m a cop—not because I love the pay or because I look great in a uniform,” he said with a little smile, “but because I want to make a difference. I’m in. Just don’t leave me flying blind, again.”

Sin blinked away the moisture pooling in her eyes. Then she bolted up from her seat to lean over the table and plant a quick kiss on his lips.

A whistle next to them broke them instantly apart. The girl standing beside the table grinned. “I was just about to ask if you needed a little warming up,” she said, holding up a coffee pot.

Jake cleared his throat and pushed his cup toward her. “Sure. Thanks.”

Sin blushed while the girl refilled hers. Then she gave Jake a sly glance after the girl walked away laughing. “Jake, we have to get control of our spontaneous kissing.”

“Just as soon as you stop staring at my lips.”

“So, do you still want me for a partner?”

“Since the only way I can cover your ass is to be two steps behind it, you’re stuck.”

“Two feet behind me? That’s a little far away. I mean you’re big and all…”

Jake’s gaze narrowed. “Jesus, Sin, shut up. I already have a hard-on and five more hours to go.”

“Poor baby,” she whispered, feeling happier, freer than she could ever remember. “Would it help if I reminded you I promised you a blow job?”

Jake’s face tightened into a pained grimace. “Not a damn bit.” He let out a deep breath. “Soooo…Petrakis—is he human?”