“Our shoulders are one of our erogenous zones,” he said, amusement in his voice.

Sin drew her fingers back like they’d been singed. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to get too personal. Just curious.”

“Let’s get back before we’re detected by patrols,” he said, swiping his holster and crumpled shirt from the ground. “I need to close that portal.”

Sin glanced back to the approximate place they’d crossed. “How do we find it?”

“I have to touch it to activate it.”

Sin held her hands in front of her, feeling for it.

“Won’t work that way, sweetheart,” Theo said softly.

“Why’s that?” she asked, glancing back just as he touched the air and the portal opened.

“You don’t have what it takes to open it.”

“You mean, because I’m not…” Her eyes widened.


“And you are?”

Theo shrugged.

“Crap. Does that really mean anything in this world? You’re like a good demon, right?”

“It’s not a term that can be painted black or white.”

“Shades of gray? So that cat…wasn’t necessarily evil?”

He snorted. “It murdered its host body for the convenience of walking in his skin. What do you think?”

“Just trying to work out the rules. Body thieves—evil. Fallen angel-demons, maybe?”

“Hurry it up. That partner of yours isn’t going to cool his heels for long,” he said, snagging her hand and ducking through the portal.

“Hate to burst goddamn bubble, but her partner didn’t last one fucking minute.”

Sin’s gaze widened as she spotted Jake on the other side, his jaw clenched so tightly muscles flexed along his neck and shoulders. She yelped when he yanked her through the portal and straight into his arms.

“No time for a welcoming committee, Chappa,” Theo said, tossing something back through the portal. Then he turned back, spread his arms, and took them both to the ground.

A blinding light flashed behind them, and the ground dipped and rolled beneath her flattened body as though she lay atop the epicenter of tiny earthquake that rippled outward.

When the reverberations ended, Theo climbed off their backs, dusted himself off, and then calmly finished dressing.

Jake pulled her roughly from the ground and ran his hands over her body.

“I’m fine,” she sputtered, pushing him away. She glanced back at Theo. “That thing close the portal?”

His sharp nod had her letting out a slow breath.

“That the rabbit hole you fell through the other night?” Jake asked, between clenched teeth.

“Yeah. Tried to tell you.”

“I thought it was just…”