His chest rose sharply. “God, Sin, I wanna fuck you slow.”

“It’ll never happen.” She shrugged and ran a hand across his damp chest. “I mean, you always have good intentions, but then you go all caveman on me.”

“Is it a problem?” he asked, lifting one dark eyebrow to give her a devilish look that had her heating up all over again.

Sin plucked at his flat brown nipples and gave him a coy glance from beneath her eyelashes. “Do you think I’m one of those soft, prissy girls who needs it all tied up in little pink bows?”

His eyebrows lowered. “You want me to tie you up in pink bows?”

She rolled her eyes. “Guys take things so literally.”

“Can’t help it,” he said, shrugging. “Pretty girls suck the blood right out of our brains. We think with our cojones.”

She giggled, the sound surprising her and making him grin.

“Really want me to tie you up in pink bows?” he asked, his tone soft and earnest. “I’ll do it.”

Sin swallowed hard and traced the dark hair that arrowed down his abdomen. “All I want is you, fucking me like you mean it.”

“This dick has never lied to you.”

“Chappa,” she said, feeling a blush heat her cheeks. “I think that’s probably the most profound thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“What? You think I’m not too bright?”

“Course, not,” she said, running her fingers upward through his silky hair. “I know your vocabulary diminishes when you’re horny. No words longer than two syllables. Makes me feel pretty powerful.”

“You should,” he growled. “You’re the only woman who makes me this way.”

Her fingers pulled his chest hair. “Don’t try to tell me you haven’t screwed anyone else since we split.”

“Baby, I didn’t say that. Fact is, I tried to fuck you out of my mind. Didn’t work.”

Because she didn’t know how to respond to that, she changed the subject. “How come I’m the only one naked here?”

“’Cause I’d have to come out of you, and I think I’ll cry if I do.”

“I promise I’ll keep it warm.”

Jake slowly withdrew, groaning until the last inch slipped free. He stood, backed up a step, then keeping his hot gaze on her, quickly stripped.

Sin couldn’t help it. The more bronze skin he revealed, the hotter she got. Collapsed against the cushions, she didn’t have the energy or desire to close her legs. She liked that his glance remained glued to her pussy.

She trailed two fingers in the moisture seeping from her pussy and brought them to her lips, making a show of licking them clean.

“That’s it. Enough teasing.” Jake grabbed her hand and hauled her from the sofa, straight into his arms.

Standing naked, skin-to-skin, Sin’s smile slid away.

Jake leaned down, his lips hovering just over hers. “Baby, did you toss that vibrator?”

“I did.” She bit her lip, and then added, “but I had second thoughts and fished it out this morning.”

Jake stepped closer, pressing his cock against her belly. “My dick’s wrung out, but I’m thinking you could use another go.”

“Why not let me get you ready?” she asked breathlessly. “I’d just as soon have you sliding inside me.”

His gaze smoldered. “I might need a lot of encouragement.”