Page 19 of Tamed by a Knight

Face burning, Jacq turned her head to stare at the walls of the tent, her breath coming now in shallow gasps. Before she did something stupid, like hyperventilate, she turned her back to the other two occupants of the tent. Irritation burned through her veins, followed closely by a tinge of feline satisfaction.

Apparently, he had not been unaffected by her perusal.

Jacq envisioned that part of him standing at attention during her examination of his…attributes. His thick shaft rose from a dark nest of hair, ruddier than the rest of his skin, with blue veins standing in stark relief against his erection. She had never considered herself a prude. Yet, she was unnerved being in the same tent with a naked, aroused man while another woman performed such an intimate act.

Her anger spiked a little higher. Why had he insisted she stay? Had he no modesty? Her gaze slid sideways.

The other woman ran the washcloth across Lord Rathburn’s chest and down his torso, smiling seductively and leaning her breasts close to his face.

Jacq’s blood warmed, increasing in intensity to a low boil. The woman flaunted herself like a floozy, enticing him. Was she seducing him right in front of her? As far as Jacq was concerned the other woman could have him, and more power to her. But, puh-lease, couldn’t she at least wait until they were alone?

She stole another glance and found herself wondering what all that muscle would feel like beneath her palms. He sported a six-pack any twenty-first-century weightlifter would envy.

Oh, Jacq told herself she wasn’t lusting after the man, she was just…curious. She prided herself on her ability to remain distant from the opposite sex and unaffected by cravings of the flesh. In her experience with men, she had yet to meet one equal to her own physical strength and abilities, except her father.

Which would account for her nonexistent sex life.

Jacq rolled her eyes. Why the hell was she thinking about sex while sitting in a tent with another woman and a naked warrior? She’d never been into threesomes, and this tent, in this century, was no place to start having such thoughts. “This is ridiculous,” she muttered beneath her breath.

The woman washed lower on his torso, and Jacq kept tabs. She gave up trying to fool herself she wasn’t curious about how far this seduction would go. She also gave up any attempts to harness her own arousal. Her nipples drew into tight, aching points, her pussy swelled, and the crotch of her panties grew damp.

A triumphant smile edged across the washerwoman’s face as she reached for his erect penis. Before she could wrap her fingers around it, his hand shot out, stopping her before she snagged her target.

Or, so Jacq thought…

Until he guided the woman’s hand along his shaft, slowly, smoothing up and down.

“You’ve a speck of dirt here, milord,” the woman murmured, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper.

“Mustn’t miss a spot,” he said, a small smile curving his lips.

The woman knelt before him, both hands now clasping his cock, working soapy fingers up and down, up and down. “Better?” she purred.

Jacq’s breath caught and held as the woman moved her face nearer and stuck out her tongue to capture a glistening pearlescent drop of pre-ejaculate from the tip of his cock.

A protest gurgled inside Jacq’s throat, drawing Lord Rufus’s gaze.

“Enough!” He dug his fingers through the woman’s hair and pushed her away. “Leave me.”

Startled by the barked command, Jacq jumped up from her cot and made for the door.

“Not you…her.” His pointed finger indicated the washerwoman, not Jacq.


The woman shot an angry glance at Jacq, gathered her skirts, and marched for the exit.

Watching the other woman stalk out of the tent, Jacq couldn’t help feeling a little victorious.

“You will dry me.”

Rathburn’s voice was hard and left no room for misinterpretation. “I’ll what?” Jacq’s eyes widened, the wind completely sucked from her victory sails.

“You heard me, woman. Dry me.” His brow rose in an arrogant arc. “You will serve me. And remember, I have no patience with those who refuse my direction.”

Jacq still didn’t move. She felt frozen to the spot. Did he really expect her to touch him…there? Perhaps complete the act the woman had begun?

“Do it, now.” His voice lashed out like a whip.