“As long as it takes. Plans are for a month. There’s a lot of concrete work to finish before we start on the bridge itself. Much of the metal was prefabricated before we arrived.”

“A month?”

Bryn detected a hint of dismay, which surprised her considering how adamant she’d been earlier about working a banishing spell.

Renner shrugged. “We’ve suffered delays before. Weather can wreak havoc. Too much rain in the forecast and we can’t pour concrete. But so far, it looks like there will be clear skies for a while. We’ll be dredging to install pillars tomorrow.”

The frown on Miren’s face told Bryn that the topic of rain might enter into their spellwork that night.

A month. Her hand tightened on her spoon. If she didn’t act quickly, she might have only one short window of opportunity to conceive. She was fertile right now, but she couldn’t imagine seducing him so quickly. Her gaze went to the zinnia blossom. Perhaps she would need a little help—and there was hot apple pie still to serve.

“Anyone ready for desert?” she asked, setting her expression so that no one would guess what she intended.

“Need help?” Darcy asked.

“I can manage. I’ll only be a minute.”

She gathered bowls to take to the sink, and then hurried to the oven. She pulled out the baking sheet both pies sat on and slid it onto the butcher block. Then she reached for a bottle of ground cinnamon. Another sprinkle would do no harm to the flavor of the pies.

She shook cinnamon into her palm and picked up a pinch with her fingertips. Closing her eyes, she imagined the lover she’d dreamt of the night before. She mentally opened the curtains so that moonlight shone on his face. Ethan’s face. Holding that image, she opened her eyes and began…

“Spirits, hear my plea,

With sweet and spice I will entice,

A lover to my bed.

Let moon and magic weave through dream,

Each twisting, turning path will lead,

My lover to my bed.”

She sprinkled the cinnamon over one pie and then stood staring at it, wondering if she was doing the right thing and whether the need inside her to procreate had less to do with ensuring the future of her coven and more with her desire for this particular man. Something that suddenly struck her as significant. Why him? Why now?

A shiver slithered down her back. Why indeed?

“What’s keeping you?” Radha stood in the doorway, her gaze going to the counter and the cinnamon bottle, and then rising to Bryn. “You needed more?” Her lips twitched.

“The recipe called for more than I’d used,” she said evenly.

Radha smiled. “Then you won’t need the charm bag I slipped under his chair?”

A smile tugged at Bryn’s mouth. “You did that for me?”

“You’re the eldest. It’s only right you lead us.”

“Into temptation?”

Radha arched a fine brown brow. “Bryn, it’s just a pie.”

Both women were smiling widely when they reentered the dining room.

Ethan kept watch from his bedroom window as night deepened. Witches couldn’t resist the lure of a blue moon. If there were Others about, they’d be meeting them to dance in the silvery moonlight. All he had to do was wait and follow the women to whatever oak they’d chosen for their ceremony.

A soft knock sounded on his door. A moment later, Renner slipped inside.

“The women certainly seemed frisky at dinner.”