His hands were curled into tight fists, and his face was screwed up into such a fierce, frightening scowl, she knew he was barely holding on. She backed off the bed and stood, quivering with need and want, but knowing he’d never forgive himself if he hurt her.

Not trusting herself to speak because she knew she’d beg, she pointed toward the bed. He stalked closer, butted his chest against her, and hung his head, his expression so terrible, so beautiful, her chest tightened, stealing her ability to breathe. “Lie down,” she whispered. “Grasp the rails. I’ll give you what you need.”

His face descended. His mouth was curled in a snarl, but he nuzzled her cheek and sent harsh gusts of breath into her ear. A shudder shook his tall frame, but he backed away, gave her a blistering glare, and then sat on the bed, lay back, reaching his hands upward to wrap around the spokes of her headboard.

She hoped the thick oak dowels wouldn’t splinter. When he was staring at the ceiling, she climbed onto the mattress, lifted a thigh and straddled his hips. Rising on her knees, she reached for his cock, fisted it with her hand, and guided it to her folds.

Just like her dream. She bent over him, pushed down on him, and felt the enormous pressure as she crowded downward, taking him. Something was missing.

She glanced at the curtained window, raised a hand in the air, and jerked it, causing the curtain rings to glide on the metal rod. An upward flick of her fingers raised the window. Wind rushed through the opening. Moonlight drenched the bed and their bodies.

She shook back her hair and stared down at him. “I’m a witch but not as delicate as I appear.” Leaning back, breasts thrust out, she drew the moonlight and wrapped it around her body, letting it cloak her and sink into her skin.

Then she bent over him and pressed her lips against his snarling mouth. It softened beneath hers. He angled his head and returned the sweet pressure, added suction to his kiss, suction that pulled the moon into his body.

Their communion was sweet and hotter than anything she’d ever shared with the hellhound. Wind gusted against the window, blew inside, lifting her hair and whipping at the tendrils. And still, they kissed, until she heard a rumbling, not from her troll, but from the shuddering of the floorboards beneath the bed.

There were shouts outside their bedroom, footsteps pounding on oak floors and then the door, but she and Ethan were sheltered at the center of the storm. Static crackled. Electricity arced.

He released the dowels and clamped his fingers on her buttocks. They broke the kiss as the storm heightened, clouds stealing through the open window to push against the ceiling, flashes of light brightening, and then darkening in their misty depths.

In the back of her mind, she knew what was happening. Knew there was danger. Knew this was impossible. She’d already been claimed. She’d already mated, and yet here they were at the center of a new storm, a binding that echoed through the ether and heralded a new beginning.

A new beginning with a new mate and a resounding stamp of approval from the Powers That Be. Bryn decided to let go of any doubts she’d held about what they were doing. She’d trust in the Goddess and the demon watching her so closely now.

She smiled, loving the curve of his mouth as he stared up at her. He moved his hands from her hips to her breasts and fondled the pendant dancing between her breasts—the mother symbol, bloated with child. Bryn closed her eyes, breathing harder when he moved to tweak her nipples, pulling and pinching the tips, drawing them into exquisitely aroused points before smoothing downward again.

The roar of voices in the distance receded as she bent and braced against his chest. His bruising grip lifted her and shoved her downward, again and again. They pushed together, drew apart, catching the rhythm of their heartbeats, the pace of their deepening breaths.

Below, her sex clenched around him, ripples moving up and down her inner channel, caressing him, accepting him, gripping him and holding him inside her.

She dug her fingertips into his skin. “I’m there,” she whispered.

“We’ll soar together,” he said, his voice deep, echoing around her. “Once bound, we’ll never part.”

He’d said the sacred words. She had no time to gasp. He rolled them and came over her. Quickly, he shoved up her legs, forced her ankles to lock behind his neck, and then he took over, pistoning inside her, faster and faster.

Tears leaked down her cheeks, her hands roamed his face, touched his shoulders. How could this be? This perfection, this brilliant storm. When the moment came, she dug the back of her head into the pillow and screamed as licking fire and static flooded her body and blackness closed around her.

Ethan sagged against her as his balls clenched, and he emptied himself inside her.

A thud sounded against the door. He lowered her legs and covered her with his body.

The frame gave, the door splintered, and Renner and Khan fell through the opening, the women, and more of his men, crowding into the room to stare at the clouds now dissipating, wisping away.

Darcy shoved past Renner and stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at Ethan, her glance going to Bryn’s slackened features. “What the hell have you done?”

Ethan raked a hand through his hair and leaned on an elbow to allow Bryn to breathe more easily. “She’s mine. Claimed. Blessed by your Goddess. There can be no arguing my right.”

Darcy’s eyes filled and dropped to Bryn. “Is she even breathing?”

Bryn’s sex pulsed around his cock, a sexy caress that caused him to stir inside her again. An aftereffect, he knew. She was still unconscious. “She breathes.”

Renner shook his head. “Well, if they didn’t know where we were before, the council’s seeress can point them straight here now. Others in this area can’t have missed the echo.”

“You all came prepared for battle,” Ethan said, frowning at the group still hovering inside the room.

Beneath him, Bryn moaned. Her eyelids drifted sleepily open. Her mouth began to curve as she looked at him, but then she glanced to the side. “Oh Goddess, we’ve gone and done it now.”