“That’s not what I said.” Jay sighed. “I would love to teach you quite a few things in that area, make you feel very, very, very good, but I—” He studied his cards. A shadow fell over his features and the temperature in the room dropped.

“But what?” This was all wrong, but the way he used three verys had her mind spinning.

“I don’t want to do it because you feel some sort of pity towards me and furthermore I wouldn’t want you pretending I was Hugo the entire time.”

Her gasp was audible. Was he mad? “How in the world could I pity you? You’re the great and powerful Jay Truitt.”

He rewarded her with a half smile, but his brow was still knit. Ursula laced her fingers together to hide their trembling, and pressed forward.

“Also, pretend you were Hugo? How would I do that? You are you and he’s him and I can’t imagine Hugo knowing any of the things you claim to know or being able to accomplish any of what you’ve suggested. I’m quite positive that whatever occurs, I won’t mistake you for anyone else. The idea is just ridiculous.”

Jay laughed.

“Touché, Miss Nunes.” Jay leaned backwards in his chair. She mirrored him, as he ran his ever-changing eyes over her body. His appreciation was evident, but the more she paid attention to his body instead of his reactions the more her stomach clenched with attraction.

The silence stretched onward. She was more exposed than she was when she laid her hand on the table after being called. He had to respond, had to return the gesture or—or what? Something awful, no doubt. Her lump grew so it enveloped her chest and throat.

“I still can’t get past the why and what of it all.” Jay ran a hand through his hair.

“If I can explain that to your satisfaction, would you be persuaded to—” she inhaled a deep breath “—pleasure me?”

Jay’s eyes widened. The gray and green disappeared and a deeper, darker brown remained. He might have gasped before he started to laugh.

“Oh Urs,” he sputtered. “I may have to just give in because getting to hear you say that was one of the most incredible things that has ever happened in my life.” The last words were garbled as he clutched his stomach, bending over the table.

“It’s not that amusing.” She crossed her arms and pressed her lips together even as the laughter bubbled to the surface. It wasn’t funny, but the way he laughed was just too infectious.

The two stared at each other. Ursula’s heart thumped faster and louder. This was foolishness. She should flee, after cutting out her tongue.

And yet—the more she gazed at him, the more her body tingled, the more she craved—something. She sighed.

“Well, like you, I don’t needlessly moralize in these manners. You have no God and I don’t believe he concerns himself with such provided it affects no one but us. As for the rest, we are betrothed. You’ve made me curious. You promised that I’d feel good and you’ve boasted enough of your abilities that I’d like some proof. Besides, I do enjoy learning new things. We’ve worked well together. Rose is off. The servants are occupied. My family is out. I’m not sure how many other ways I can argue that I’d like you to teach me whatever you can with no other motives whatsoever.”

Her voice was on the edge of a whine, but bollocks, he was infuriating. Why was he forcing her to nearly beg? Perhaps despite the glances and the teasing and kiss, well kisses, he really didn’t actually want her.

Jay tented his fingers. A ghost of a smile brushed his lips. “You formulate an excellent argument, Urs.” He tapped his chin.

“Please?” She choked out the word. “I’m...acceptable, aren’t I?”

“More than acceptable.” He pressed his fist to his mouth for a moment. “You win.” He rose and extended his hand.

Her heart was in her ears as her fingers mingled with his. Static and tiny comets jolted through her as soon as her skin met his. Perhaps she underestimated what was going to happen. No turning back now though. She’d won, hadn’t she?

“Bedchamber?” she asked.

“If that’s where you’d be most comfortable.”

She chewed a nail. An image of her and Jay, on the table, Jay on his back and her on top of him, her skirts hitched to the sides flashed through her head. Terrible idea. Her dress would be ruined at the very least.

She ducked her head and brushed past him into the hall. He followed deeper into the wing. She held the door of the chamber open and he sauntered over to the bed and sat, bouncing a minute or two, almost testing it. Ursula closed the door and leaned against the knob as she turned the key. Better safe than sorry.

Chapter Sixteen

Ursula pressed her tongue against her teeth as a shiver passed through her body. She wanted this moment, him, more than she should. She trembled so hard she rattled the doorjamb.

She was engaged to Jay so there were rumors regarding her activities already. If she was going to suffer the stares, shouldn’t she at least reap the rewards?

He grinned at her and crooked his finger. Ursula’s heart thudded as fizzles coursed down her spine, settling between her legs. Her knees knocked together, but she obeyed and approached. She stood before him and twisted the pendant around her neck.