Isaac stared at his toes again. She held her breath as he shifted and finally brought his chin up once more.

Ursula clasped her hands. What was so large and terrifying? She had to know now. She was going to die if she didn’t know. She spread her palms flat.

“Come on, Isaac. You can’t barge in here and not tell me.”

He faced the wall when he spoke, his words coming fast, but audible and distinct.

“Fine. Lydia said one of the Pierponts’ maids had Jay’s child. The girl and the baby left town, but his family is going to give properties to the Pierponts to keep the matter quiet.”

Her heart ceased to beat. The room grew silent. She didn’t dare breathe. She must be dead or a ghost—never, Jay would never. And Lydia said it, but it was so close to what her father hi


Blast, blast, blast.

Her mind sped and she clenched her fists.

No. He’d spent time with plenty of women, but not a maid, not a powerless maid. Nothing Jay ever did nor said suggested he’d risk damaging someone like that.

Also, convenient that the child was nowhere to be found and the nameless, supposed mother wasn’t the one asking for money. The accusation was, what, thirdhand? That didn’t make it untrue. The woman could be afraid for some reason, but the concept raised her hackles.

“Jay doesn’t even like the Pierponts.”

Isaac shrugged and picked at a thread on his sleeve.

“His family’s going to transfer the properties to them, for safekeeping for the woman and child. Lydia’s father said so. He knows the Pierponts’ lawyer and the Reeds’ lawyer. Lydia’s father knows all of the other lawyers. You know him, right? He’s done work for your father.”

Vinegar and sour milk.


Regardless of what Lydia thought of her, she was a credible source of information.

But the rest wasn’t true. She sucked in a deep breath. It couldn’t be. It was too odd. Especially as neither the woman nor child would actually receive the funds directly. That should raise anyone’s suspicions.

“So Lydia told you?”

Isaac tilted his head to the side and offered a small smile.

“Not exactly. Lydia told Rachel and I overheard. Her father told your father.”

Her father. So these were the rumors. Ursula closed her eyes.

“Even if J.T. Truitt transfers the properties that doesn’t mean Jay has illegitimate children. It just means his father believes so. But it’s hard to imagine Jay’d risk someone less fortunate’s reputation and that he’d be on such poor terms with that person, that she’d leave town instead of well, marrying Jay or at least making arraignments for the baby. Or telling him about the baby. He’d want to provide for the baby.”

The words were jumbled, but Isaac nodded, his eyes wide.

“I hope so. I like Jay.”

Hope—just like her own. All her organs leapt into her throat. Her voice was soft and low, so different now. “I do too.”

Isaac took her hand and squeezed. “I know.”

He blinked his bright gray eyes, like his father’s, but kind.

“I like you too, Ursula.”

She worked to return the sentiment with her face. She came close. Words alone would have to do.