Priscilla clasped her relation’s gloved hand and smirked.

Ursula pinched the skin between her thumb and pointer. She would not throw anything. She would not.

Think Ursula, think.

“I don’t know your motives, but I suspect your family needs funds. I understand things have been hard—”

“Which you people just love.” Agnes’ voice shook and her eyes flashed.

Even Priscilla glanced to the side, her brows raised at the tone.

A dig at the banks? Nunes didn’t have a monopoly and not all European banks were owned by Jews. The American banks were majority gentile.

Force us into a profession, but decry every success.

She ground her molars. “Nunes charges the same rates as all of the European banks, no matter who owns them. Everyone raised their rates after President Jackson killed the American banking industry. High interest isn’t usury, just good business, at the moment.”

“Naturally.” Agnes’ venom matched Priscilla’s. She wasn’t mousey anymore.

It was all about the money and Jay was an easy target, like her. His family, his life, his name, his reputation, not to mention that of an innocent servant who probably had no idea her name was being used, all ready to be sacrificed because Agnes’ family wanted money so they wouldn’t lose social standing. As if only the Pierponts were important.

Ursula rose and wagged a finger at the trio. “This isn’t about me. It’s about Jay and it isn’t fair and it isn’t right. Those properties should stay in the Truitt family. You aren’t entitled to them. Worse, you’re causing a rift between Jay and his parents. Don’t you see how your actions are hurting people?”

Agnes leapt to her feet as well, thrusting herself in front of Ursula so the two were inches apart, though Ursula was a good four inches taller. “Why does it matter? No one will ever find out. The Truitts will see to that. That’s how it’s done. That’s how it’s always done. Besides, the Truitts have plenty and Jay has done enough on his own to humiliate his entire family for generations to come. They deserve it.”

How dare she?

She knew nothing. Jay was a person, a human, with feelings and a soul, not to mention the most honorable man anyone could hope to meet. He thought of others before himself—to his own detriment and he would rather die than cause another person pain. Maybe other people in their circle behaved differently, but that didn’t make it right.

Ursula’s voice quaked. “It matters because he did nothing wrong. Don’t other people matter to you? He’s not who everyone thinks he is. He’s a wonderful person.”

“Oh, my stars, she’s in love with him.” Priscilla’s gasp startled Agnes enough that she turned to face her cousin, almost bouncing against the overstuffed cushions.


Bollocks, infinity bollocks.

“She is.” Katherine’s laughter echoed through the room.

Priscilla grinned and grasped her friend’s hand with a squeal. “You were wrong, Katherine. You always did have quite the imagination. Hugo Middleton is all yours. She has no sense. She truly wants to marry Jay Truitt, and believes she will.”

Bile rose in Ursula’s throat. She couldn’t marry Jay. He’d never marry anyone again. Not after Sophie. She wasn’t a dullard. She wasn’t going to pin her hopes on a literal pipe dream and—she opened her mouth to speak but almost nothing came out.


She could do this. She could speak intelligently and find a way to exit and fix everything and be—she swallowed.

“Whether or not I’m in love with him has nothing to do with the conversation. I just know he’s not the guilty party.”

“We’re back to proof, aren’t we though?” Priscilla folded and unfolded her hands. “How exactly do you know?”

Ursula shifted on her feet. There had to be some way to show, to convince them.

“I know.” She made her voice as resolute as possible.

Priscilla clapped her hands together. “This is perfect. She’s one of his conquests. Know-it-all Ursula Nunes is silly over Jay Truitt. Even better, she spread her legs for him, permitted his debauchery and thinks it’s proof of love.” No mere polite titters, the girl was in near whoops.

Katherine settled back on the seat. “Just wait until he runs off with some harlot, not you, one who is clever enough to charge. Even the Truitt name won’t be able to protect you.”