Poorly made, that was it. Agnes’ family knew nothing about food. She’d been to one of their parties. It’d be a waste of effort to eat. She’d have something delicious, later, at her aunt and uncle’s. Her family might be obnoxious, but at least they had culinary taste.

She clenched her fingers. Damp. She should invest in talc, not merely purchase it.

Ah well, best get on with it. She cleared her throat. “I beg all of your pardons. I want to be as sensitive and discreet as possible. This is a delicate conversation. Would it not be better if Agnes and I chatte

d in private?”

“I have no secrets from my cousin and dear friend.” Agnes beamed at each of her companions and turned a glare on Ursula. “What exactly did you want to discuss?”

Ursula ran her nail across the edge of her thumb. Why was this so difficult? She was in the right. She could do this. She would do this.

“I’m here to discuss the accusations your family has made regarding my fiancé.” Ursula sucked in a breath through her nose. “I don’t appreciate naked extortion, especially as the underlying accusation is a falsehood. I still cannot sit idly by while you tar an innocent bystander to enrich your family.”

“A falsehood? Extortion? Those are serious accusations.” Priscilla’s voice was like a scythe roasted over a flame. “Are you accusing my dear cousin’s family of deception? If you are, you best have proof.”

Ursula swallowed and her mind raced. What could she do? What sort of proof could there be? There was no child nor woman, and no way of contacting either. The properties were to be transferred to the Pierponts, after all. The money wasn’t to benefit or help anyone, only to buy their silence. Because in their circles, that’s what actually mattered, the image, not what was right if the rumors were true. She gritted her teeth so hard they squeaked.

Based on some research, if one could call begging Isaac to bribe or trick or beg his sister to get more specific information from Lydia research, the situation was standard. No one had ever laid eyes on an infant belonging to Jay. Nor did any mother accuse Jay of fathering her child. Only employers of the so-called mothers made claims and were paid to keep silent.

J.T. Truitt’s quickness to believe any rumor regarding Jay had created quite the cottage industry.

If Jay ever found out the depth of his father’s mistrust...dash it.

She clasped her hands on her lap. She couldn’t get upset. She must remain calm and collected. The calmest person wins.

Think, Ursula. What do they want? What could you offer them to make them want to see your point of view? Besides the properties.

She had to speak though. It was just so unfair. What right did they have to prey on him?

“No one has proof. Right now, all we have are rumors and an appeal for funds from a third party.”

“My family and their servants are good, honest, upstanding Christians. Besides, we’re speaking of Jay Truitt. This is not the first nor the last time the Truitt family paid for one of his ‘accidents.’ How could you not know your own fiancé?” Priscilla flipped her coifed ringlets, ironed and perfect, but false, not Ursula’s natural locks. It didn’t matter. Simulated curls won due to the face they framed. The source, not the style mattered.

Priscilla stroked the porcelain rim of her teacup, a knowingness creeping into her voice. She was like a panther, ready to pounce, stalking, circling, batting Ursula about.

“Unless you don’t expect him to remain one for very long and are only using him in a ploy to do something even more dubious and loathsome than Jay’s own behavior.”

Bloody Hell.

They couldn’t know about the engagement plot, could they?

Ursula spotted Katherine glancing at her lap, a frown spreading through her features. Hugo. Hugo must have done something obvious. Maybe she should’ve answered his request for a meeting after all. This was the trouble with enlisting another less than dubious person. Blasted tells.

The poor man didn’t even know she wasn’t going to marry him either. Not a pleasant conversation, but she needed to have it. Sooner, rather than later. Though she’d better find an alternative for him, save him from Katherine. First thing first, though, Jay. She drew in another deep breath. Time to hold her own.

Ursula tilted her chin even as her innards disintegrated, and a staleness settled in her stomach.

Logic. Pick them apart with calm logic.

“If that was the case, and I was the type of woman you described, I wouldn’t care about the rumors nor about the Truitt family finances. Though I suppose any decent woman, no matter what the relation, should and would care about innocent people being swindled.”

The three burst into titters. Priscilla recovered first and continued her role as unappointed spokesperson.

“Innocent? Jay Truitt? And here I thought Jews were supposed to be clever.”

A low humming invaded Ursula’s ears. A swirling mix of emotions threatened to engulf all her reason. It was all too much. Her voice shook as she spoke. “Jay is a good person. He’s careful and considerate. He’d never do that and just leave a woman and child.”

“So, we are the liars?” Agnes’ voice was like iron, frozen iron, in the dead of winter. She’d scooted closer to her cousin.