“How lovely to make your acquaintances.” She nodded to them again.

The brothers turned back to him with simultaneous lip twitches.

What was that about? The entire city heard he was engaged. It wasn’t a surprise and Ursula’s manners were flawless.

“The pleasure is ours,” his father said. “I know we’re going to have a more formal meeting with your father, but I’m glad we all ran into each other at this event. Have you two been enjoying Philadelphia?”

Silence fell. Good lord, was he supposed to speak? It was a miracle he could breathe around these three, let alone speak. He tugged at his collar. Didn’t these people open their windows?

Out of the corner of his eye, Jay caught Ursula’s puzzled expression. He should have warned her. Too late.

“It’s been quite pleasing,” she stammered. “This party’s delightful and we were at another last week. The music was lively. Jay’s such a skilled dancer and he’s wonderful with the pianoforte as well, his ear is so keen.”

Six brows arched. Jay kept his eyes straight. He wouldn’t stare at his shoes, he wouldn’t. Everything burned, his eyes, his throat, his stomach, even his marrow.

“What else have you two done in town?” Matthew, the bolder of his cousins, was the one to speak, arms folded, suspicion and judgment in his voice.

The silence again, all expectations on him and his tongue nailed to the bottom of his mouth. What could he say that would be acceptable to the trio? Nothing, nothing at all. Ursula shot him a glare. “We’ve been with my family. Jay and my father have been discussing the Nunes businesses.” She twisted a little as she spoke, her skirts a dizzying swirl at his ankles, before giving him a bump with her hip.

“Really?” Dour and Disapproving were now Dubious and Distrustful, in tone and countenance.

Jay gritted his teeth. Why was that so hard for his cousins to believe?

“Oh yes, my father has started taking him to meetings all over town.” Ursula nodded, her blonde curls bouncing along with her necklace and everything that lay below.

Jay swallowed. He should clamp his hand over her mouth. She was a terrible liar and the three could get to Judah first and he, himself, certainly couldn’t invent such events on the spot.

His palms sweated. Why did it matter? He’d disappear soon, give them what they all actually wanted. He could survive the disappointment and condescension for a few more minutes or hours or days. He’d done it his whole life.

“Yes, Jay even reviewed the books for the British house and spotted two errors this month. You know Nunes has a small British holding? Except for my aunt and uncle, the rest of the family is in Europe, mostly Amsterdam, but there’s a side in London.”

Ursula prattled on about finances and interest rates, fielding questions from each of the men and crediting activities—which he suspected she personally carried out—to him. She was skilled. Not with idle chatter, but when there was a purpose, a purpose she understood. She wasn’t as unteachable as she believed. Pride swelled in his chest but deflated as more thoughts poured into his over-whirled brain.

He was a snake attempting to eat his own tail. Why did she have to do it for him? He shouldn’t need her to protect him from his own family.

A boy hides his misdeeds from his father, a man can look his parent in the eye.

Would he never be free of Sophie’s ghost? Jay ground his teeth over and over again.

Oh, he itched, he itched everywhere. To be able to float again, in that moment he would’ve given his very soul to float.

“It’s a shame we can’t speak with your father this evening.” Matthew’s eyes darted around the ballroom. “But we all must be going. Jay’s mother has a head cold.”

Ursula nodded. “Give her our regards. We’ll have plenty of time to visit in the future. It was so lovely meeting you today.”

She leaned closer and a sharp spike stabbed his foot. Why did she have to be wearing heels?

“Yes,” he stammered. “How fortunate to run into you.”

There was no inflection in his voice, but they wouldn’t notice. With nods, his male relations turned as the throng of people parted for the three tall forms.

When the men disappeared, Ursula grabbed his hand and tugged in the opposite direction. Jay followed her towards the stairs. Where did she think she was going? If she were any other woman he would’ve been intrigued, but it was Ursula. No, it was most likely something painful not pleasurable was coming his way. Hopefully, she’d leave her heels on her feet. He was done being stabbed.

Chapter Ten

Jay’s head narrowly missed a lit sconce, as Ursula pinned him against a beige silk covered wall. The move was almost certainly intended to be intimidating, and she still managed to elicit some dread and anticipation from him, but those emotions blended with something almost like hope. Not to mention a healthy dose of desire. Very inappropriate for the moment. What was the matter with him?

“What in the world was that?” she asked.