His heart swelled—as did a few other unfortunate body parts. How could he react to her like this, clothed? Amateur was never his style—experience had been chief among Sophie’s charms, though the way they ended...

He was all muddled. What to do, what to do?

“I’ve developed certain rules regarding liaisons,” he managed to say. Excellent start, vague. Vague should be his aim. He could give her both honesty and propriety, while protecting his own secrets if his answers remained vague. “I take precautions for unintended consequences, I make sure both parties agree to and enjoy every action, and I define the duration at the outset.”

It was the least he could do. Too late for Sophie, but despite his other sins, he kept everyone afterwards safe.

Ursula nodded. “I’m impressed. Those are perfectly reasonable and respectable terms.” She gazed at him with serious eyes.

He burst into laughter. “Reasonable and respectable?”

“Despite the subject matter of the engagement, your conditions are well-thought-out and ethical. There may be hope for you in business yet, Mr. Truitt.” She sashayed past him.

He stared at the stunning back view, dumbstruck. Whatever did she mean? He scurried after her and managed to relay something that sounded like words. She either heard and ignored or didn’t hear at all.

“Come along,” she called without turning around. “Dance with me a few more times before we have to leave. Perhaps have another drink.”

He followed, shaking his head. He’d make it a double.

Chapter Six

Ursula hid behind a Doric column in front of the house as her father called for the carriage. Jay’d been dispatched to fetch their cloaks. The lights and noise of the party sprinkled through the still air from the open windows behind her.

A proper woman would wait inside, but she didn’t want to risk another encounter with her own sex, alone. Why couldn’t they like her? She had all the attributes she was supposed to, but somehow they never fit right on her. She was never what anyone wanted. The space beneath her pearl-edged cameo burned.

“Ursula. Thank goodness you’re alone.”

She whipped her head around. Hugo stood behind her, half hidden in shadow. She grabbed her skirts and turned to face him, her back pressed against the white stone.

“What are you doing out here? You should be with your parents, saying your goodbyes.”

He clasped his hands together. “I had to see you again before we parted.”

Her heart pounded. Hugo seeking her out, not the other way around, and not just to escape, to spend time with her and to risk his father’s wrath? Was she close to success already?

“Why?” she asked.

“I need you to confirm you still want to go through with this, that your engagement truly is a farce.”

That’s why he sought her out? Men were so thick.

“Of course I’m still part of the pact. I already told you, Jay just wants to travel and become a ne’er-do-well or indulge in that kind of behavior. He doesn’t want to get married to anyone. You have nothing to worry about.” Honestly, why did everyone doubt her?

“Really?” He inched close to her face, his eyes intense.

Was he angry? That wasn’t possible. Hugo never got angry. Melancholy, doleful, but never angry.

“Why else would he have offered his aid? I created the initial plan to come to Philadelphia so we can win over your parents.” She flounced her skirts to punctuate the point because, honestly, what did it take to make Hugo understand? “Jay merely helped refine it. You don’t approve? This is the best way to get what we want.”

Hugo’s nostrils flared. Why did he still look so sore? Ursula squinted. Her eyes must be deceiving her. If only she could rub them without smudging soot everywhere.

He sighed. “I apologize. I just—this is all so confusing and not how I would’ve planned it.”

“We don’t have much choice.” What did he expect? It wasn’t like he had assisted the situation in any way. “You don’t have another option, do you?” Did he? Had he been thinking of his own plan?

“No.” He shook his head.

Her shoulders slumped. It was still all up to her. She frowned, and couldn’t stop, even if she was prettier smiling.