“Computer? Change of clothes?”

“Yeah, I’ll grab them.”

She got what she thought she might need. She realized just how packed her car looked, and she hoped he wasn’t silently judging her. What kind of person lived out of her car like this? But she’d been traveling for a very long time, and she couldn’t be bothered to care too much.

They went inside his house. He led the way, and even though she tried to stay cool and play it off, she was wildly impressed by his home. She gasped when she stepped inside, and he heard her. He laughed a little.

“I’m guessing you like the place.”

“That’s an understatement. It’s beautiful.”

They walked into the living room, which was open. There was a big staircase leading to an open second level. She could see there were closed doors up there – probably leading to bedrooms – but there was an open sitting space, too.

The first floor had a kitchen and a giant living room. Her apartment would fit neatly in one corner of it. It was actually quite amazing just how much space he had. She tried not to gawk, but it was nearly impossible.

“How did you even do this?” She asked.

“One tree at a time,” he said.

“Wait, what?” She looked at him sharply. “One tree at a time? What does that mean? Did you…did you cut the lumber yourself?”

“I did.”

He didn’t look like he was bragging. To be honest, he didn’t even really look that proud about this incredible accomplishment. If anything, he seemed far too modest for any ordinary man, and that bothered her just a little.

“You’re incredible.”

“What makes you say that?” He raised an eyebrow, and Luna had the distinct impression that no one had ever given this man a real, proper compliment before. He simply didn’t seem to know how to handle receiving one.

“It’s just really pretty. I don’t know anyone else who could do something like this.”

She looked around for a minute more, but then he finally made a weird harrumph sort of noise, and gestured to her.

“Come on. I’ll show you your bedroom.”

“My room?”

“Unless you want to sleep with me,” he said. He raised an eyebrow, challenging her, and she bit her damn lip.

Was he fucking serious right now?


Yes, she absolutely did want to sleep with him. It was a terrible idea, and it was a horrible plan, but yes, she absolutely did want to sleep with him.

Should she take a chance?

She wasn’t going to see him again. Not once this was all over.

Was she?

The truth was that Luna was only going to be young once. Someday, she’d be married, or busy with a job. Someday she’d have kids to worry about or pets or something. Anything. Today, though, it was only her, and she really had nowhere to be and nothing to do for awhile: two whole weeks, at least.

“Yeah,” she said bravely, jutting her chin out. “I think I do.”

Chapter Four

So the little student was brave, was she?