The thought of returning home was sobering to her, and she didn’t want to go. That was the reality that she was suddenly facing. She just did not want to go.

“What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, he was no longer on top of her. He’d sensed her confusion and her sadness, and he had climbed beside her. He pulled her into his arms so that she was looking up at him.



“What is it?”

How could she tell him this?

How could she express what she was feeling without being crazy?

“I have a problem,” she whispered.

“Tell me.”

“I’m scared.”


She said it.

She spit it out and the world didn’t end.

She was so, so scared.

“Of what?” He asked. Then she looked up at him and actually met his gaze. She knew in that moment that she could tell him. He wouldn’t think she was crazy. After all, he’d been here with her the whole time. He knew what she was like, and he knew what she was feeling. If anyone understood, it was him. If anyone got her, it was him.

“Of saying goodbye to you.”

“You mean because the quarantine is ending.”


“You don’t want this to end.”


Brody looked at her for a long time, and then he nodded.

“I don’t want this to end, either,” he finally said, and the way he spoke made her feel like he was being real with her, and honest. This wasn’t the type of situation where she was going to drive away and he’d just ghost her.

No, he meant it.

She could tell.

“Are we nuts?”


“Your grandmother is going to think we’re crazy.”

He laughed and shook his head.

“Did she mention to you how she met my grandfather?”