She was fine.

Besides, Grandma didn’t need to know she’d spent most of their time together nestled beneath his body crying out from pleasure. That wasn’t the sort of thing you told your grandmother.

At work, Brody was the only one coming in. Everyone else had places to be and families to take care of. With the virus, people were supposed to avoid going out and about as much as possible, but Brody had a lot of office work he could do on his own. Perhaps the strangest thing about his job was just how much paperwork he actually had.

If he could spend all of his time around work and working with his hands, he would. He didn’t particularly care too much about forms and that sort of thing, but the work had to be done.

When he got home, he’d greet Luna at the door and immediately fuck her. He’d had her over the couch, on the porch swing, and even on the hood of his SUV. He’d made love to her in the shower and on the stairs and once, they’d even fucked in his gym.

He couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off of her, and he was already dreading the way he was going to feel when things went back to normal.

He didn’t want them to go back to normal.

He didn’t want that at all.

He only wanted her.

Luna was the kind of girl who got under your skin. If you let her, she’d eat you up alive, and he didn’t really know how he’d handle that. She had wormed herself into his brain and he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It had already been a few days, and he felt like their time was running out.

What was he going to do when she went back to school?

What was going to happen to him then?

He liked having her around, he realized. Being alone had been nice for awhile, but now…Now it was nice to have someone to come home to. It was good to have someone to share his day with. He could tell her all about his work and she’d talk about her papers and essays and the things that writers worried about.

A lot of it was technical stuff that she had to get under control before she submitted her thesis to her advisor. He couldn’t help her with that, but damn, he’d do his best. He’d be

as supportive as he could because he liked her.

A lot.

More than he should at this stage of the game.

His phone rang, and Brody looked at it for a long minute before swiping to answer the call.

“This is Brody.”

“It’s Al.”

“What can I do for you?” He asked. Al was a good client, and someone who had been heavily involved in the lumberjack business for many years. He was also someone that Brody trusted completely. The two of them had spent many days fishing and many nights drinking. When Al lost his wife a few years ago, Brody had done everything he could to help him. He’d done everything he could to make sure that Al knew he wasn’t alone.

“I’m at your place,” he said carefully. “And I’m a bit worried. There’s a car here.”

“Oh, is that right?” Brody said. He tried to keep the laugh out of his voice. Why the hell was Al stopping by? And what did Al think was going on?

Did he actually think that someone as sweet and tiny and bookish as Luna could actually cause any damage at his place?

Al was fooling himself if he did. Luna was not only tiny and cute, but sweet, as well. Brody bet she’d never so much as hurt a fly – much less broken into someone’s house or done a crime.

“Yeah,” Al said carefully. He was keeping his voice low, and Brody pictured his friend crouching outside by the cars. He realized he needed to put a stop to this before Al did anything stupid, but it was just too damn funny. “Brody, I think you need to get home. There’s a woman standing in your doorway. Oh shit!”

“What?” Brody sat forward, suddenly nervous.

“Brody, she’s in the nude!”

At that, Brody couldn’t hold in his laughter. Was that the problem? Had Al never seen a naked woman hanging out on a porch? Brody knew his old buddy was reserved, but this was something else. Al seemed to notice that Brody’s reaction didn’t match his own, and he paused.
