They hadn’t talked about this part of the arrangement last night: food. Was she allowed to eat his food? Was she supposed to go buy groceries she would keep in her own little space? Was food something they’d share the cost of? She just didn’t know. She walked to the fridge and stared at the handle.

Suddenly, she heard his voice.

“It won’t bite you.”

She spun around, and there stood Brody: big, tall, dominating. His presence, even in the daytime, was completely overwhelming.

“What do you mean?” She managed to ask. The words were hot and difficult to get out. She wasn’t really sure how to express this to him. She was too busy looking at his bare chest, at his abs, at his…

Well, he hadn’t gotten dressed.

And he seemed happy to see her.

“The fridge won’t bite.”

“Oh, that,” she looked back at the fridge.

“Are you hungry?”

“I didn’t bring any food.”


“I don’t have food with me,” she said, blushing. She wasn’t really sure how to be anymore clear. She couldn’t expect him to pay for her food, too.

He glared at her, furrowing his brows.

“Luna, I’m not a fucking monster. Just eat what you want.”

“I…I’ll pay you back,” she squeaked out, and he stalked across the kitchen to her, grabbed her hair, and yanked it back.

Then he kissed her deeply, passionately, wonderfully. He kissed her until she forgot that she’d been hungry at all. He kissed her until her stomach growled again and brought her tumbling back to reality.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just…this is all new to me. I wasn’t sure how it worked.”

“It’s new to me, too,” he said. “We’ll figure it out together. Luna, I’ve got plenty of food, and plenty of money. You’re welcome to stay as my guest, but know that I’ll never expect anything from you.”

“Why not?” She asked.

It didn’t seem fair to him that he wouldn’t get anything in return.

“Because I get to spend time with you,” he said simply, and then he shrugged, as though it was the simplest thing in the world to understand.

And that was the moment she realized that he meant it. He’d thought she was interesting, and he was curious about her, and he liked spending time with her just as much as she liked spending time with him.

So instead of arguing, and instead of selling herself short, she kissed him again. She kissed him over and over until he lifted her up, carried her to the counter, and spread her legs.

“Again?” She whispered, laughing. She didn’t know if she’d ever get tired of this: the random lovemaking sessions in every part of the house. They still had the living room, the guest room, and the gym to make love in. They hadn’t gotten those places yet.

“Again,” he growled, and he thrust inside of her.

She held onto his shoulders as he fucked her, driving into her over and over again, and when she came, she felt like her heart was exploding right along with her body.

Chapter Six

She was dedicated to her work, he realized, and the project she was working on was something very important to her. Luna had barely looked away from her computer since she’d arrived at his house, and it had been three days.

The two of them had settled into a strange sort of routine. He still had work to do, and he had to check on his grandmother. Each morning, he’d go by his grandmother’s place and check on her and Whiskers. The two of them were always fine, but he felt better physically checking on them, rather than just calling. Of course, Grandma wanted to know about Luna, and the most Brody would give her was that the girl was fine, because she was.