“Exactly,” she whispered.

“It’s not something I usually do,” he said. He didn’t owe her an explanation, but he felt like he did. He wanted her to know that this was special. Yeah, it probably sounded totally cliché, and it kind of was, but this wasn’t something he was normally into.

He was more of a total commitment kind of person.

He wasn’t someone who just gave it up when he saw someone attractive.

Then again, maybe he was. Wasn’t that what he was doing right now? He was giving it up to her. She hadn’t asked for this – for any of this – yet he was giving himself over to her just on a whim.

He didn’t regret it, but Brody didn’t really understand the strange connection he felt to Luna.

And he didn’t know how he was going to survive the next couple of weeks with her in his house.

Chapter Five

When Luna woke up the next day, it took her a few minutes to figure out where she was. She stretched, sprawling out on the big bed that was covered in pillows and blankets. It felt nothing like the uncomfortable motel beds she’d been sleeping in as of late. No, this bed was much different.



More wonderful.

And it was more filled with naked men than her motel beds had been, she realized. She rolled over and saw him there: the lumberjack.

It all came rushing back to her, then.

There was a virus, and they’d been quarantined. The whole town had. She didn’t know who in town had gotten sick or what life was going to look like in the future, but she knew that for the next two weeks, she was going to be getting sex on demand, and she wasn’t really sure how she felt about that.

She was sore.

All of her body hurt.

Despite the fact that she’d slept better than she had in years, every bit of her body ached. From her pussy to her toes to her damn ears, her body had been used and worked over and over and over again.

She’d liked it, too.

After the first time, they’d showered together and then fucked in there, too. She’d been surprised that he’d been ready to go again so soon. After that, they’d curled up and passed out together in bed. They’d slept together again in the middle of the night, but they hadn’t really talked.

She still didn’t really know anything about Brody at all. He was a lumberjack, okay. She knew he had a really nice grandmother. He was a good kisser and he made her entire body feel like it was coming to life.

Those were the things that Luna knew about this man she’d chosen to spend her time with, but she wasn’t sure if that was going to be enough.

The reality was that he was a stranger to her, and she should be afraid of him, but she wasn’t. She looked at him for a long minute.

It wasn’t polite to stare, but Luna didn’t care. He couldn’t see her now to judge her, and that was fine. He really was pretty. Even in the morning light, he was lovely to look at: big and muscular. She knew he spent most of his time doing physical labor, and it showed.

She slipped out of bed and quietly walked over to the bathroom. She used the toilet and washed her hands, and then she looked in the cupboards under the sink. She was only slightly surprised to find a spare toothbrush that was still in its original packaging.

She had the feeling that Brody was the kind of guy who was prepared for anything. She opened it, brushed her teeth, and then left the bathroom and bedroom. She walked around his cabin and explored for a little while. She didn’t think that he’d mind. After all, she was going to be living here for two weeks. She’d have to see his place eventually.

Once she was satisfied that she understood the layout of his house – from his office to his gym to his guest room – she settled down at the kitchen counter with her laptop and started to type. She wanted to type up the transcript from her conversation with Caroline yesterday. It was one of the last things she needed to do before she’d really feel like her thesis was complete.

Oh, she had a couple of additional quotes to insert and she needed a few more references to incorporate throughout the paper, but overall, she was quite thrilled with her progress and she thought her advisor was going to be, too.

It was a pity that Luna couldn’t go back to school like, now, but she understood what was going on. Her advisor had emailed her and let her know that everyone was getting an extension on their papers because of what was going on. Stores were closing down, roads were shutting down, and even some schools were closing. It was an awkward time for people to be stuck at home, but fortunately, most of what Luna needed to do could easily be completed right on her laptop.

She kept typing and soon, she got into a wonderful groove. She was impressed with herself for sticking with this for so long. It would be easy to give up and stop, but she wasn’t going to let herself. She typed for what felt like hours, and finally, when her stomach started rumbling, she decided to find something to eat.