
She was quite wild compared to what he had expected of her. He’d thrown out the sleeping with me comment, but hadn’t expected her to actually bite.

He wasn’t going to hold back, though. Not if she actually wanted him.

Brody’s grandmother had taught him a lot of things. She’d taught him to bake cookies and how to clean a kitchen sink, but most importantly, she’d taught him never to pass up a good opportunity, and this? This was a pretty damn good opportunity.

He looked at Luna. The girl was damn near quivering. How long had it been since she’d been well-fucked? A long time, he’d imagine. She looked wound up tight and if it were up to him, he’d toss her on his bed and never let her go. That’s exactly what he would do

. He’d tie her up, kiss her, play with her. He’d make her come over and over again until it was time for the quarantine to be lifted.

It was a bad idea, though. He knew it even as he walked across the room to her. He knew when he lifted her chin with his fingers that it was a horrible plan. He wasn’t going to want to let her go, was he?

That was going to be a problem.

Luna had plans for her life. She had big, wonderful plans and maybe she even had a big, wonderful boyfriend back home. He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. As soon as he brought his lips to hers, he knew was going to be a total goner.

She groaned, leaning up into him as he deepened the kiss. She was sweetness and perfection. He knew it was wrong to want her. He didn’t even know her, and she was younger than him. It didn’t matter, though. In that moment, all of his rational thoughts seemed to flee his mind, and he focused solely on her.

Worshipping her.

Loving her.

Adoring her.

He kissed her over and over. He reached for her bottom and gripped it, pulling her tightly against himself. He knew she could feel his hardness, his length. Good. He wanted her to know exactly how much this kiss was affecting him. He wasn’t about to shy away from his feelings in this moment.

He growled, fisting her hair, tugging it back. Her eyes popped open and she looked up at him.

“Until this ends,” he murmured. “You’re mine. No backing out.”

“No backing out,” she agreed.

He didn’t have to explain what he meant. She knew. She could feel it, too. This thing between them that was bubbling up, threatening to overwhelm them both: it wasn’t going anywhere. It wasn’t going to stop tomorrow, and they weren’t going to make this awkward.

It was all in or all out.

There was no in-between.

He kissed her again and this time, he lifted her easily into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, gripping him with her thighs, and he carried her to his bedroom. It was on the first floor, and right next to the living room, which was convenient at a time like this. It was nice that they didn’t have to go very far.

As soon as he managed to get the door open, he carried her to the bed and dropped her on it. She looked up at him with a hunger he’d never seen before.

He had to know.

“How long has it been?”

He expected her to play coy or play dumb or to give him the run-around, but she didn’t. She gave it to him straight, and he appreciated that more than she would ever probably know.

“Two years, six months, and three days. You?”

“Two years, twelve months, 365 days.”

“That’s four years,” she said.

“You’re a quick study. Get naked.”

He pulled his own clothes off and tossed them aside. By the time he was completely naked, she was, too. He didn’t even have to wait to see what she would do because she threw herself at him quickly, eagerly, wonderfully. She wrapped herself around him like a blanket, and it was all he could do not to come apart right there.