Page 17 of After Dark

I pull my cock from my jeans and stroke it vigorously. It’s hard and painful, leaving me hopeful for a quick release.

Then… then, I see him place his beautiful hands on my neck and push me away before leaving me alone in the dark.

I open my eyes so I can see him again, but he is gone. No longer sitting at the booth where he was just a moment ago.

I stop stroking myself. Where the fuck did he go?

A moment later, he steps from the bathroom and I breathe a sigh of relief. Only, it’s short lived as I watch him walk past his booth and toward the other side of the restaurant, out of view.

What the hell?

I tuck myself back into my pants and get out of my car. I crouch down a little and walk toward the diner. When I get to the window, I rise carefully, just enough so I can see over the back of the seat in front of me. The waitress is behind the counter, refilling ketchup bottles. Behind her, on the other side of the counter, I see him again.

Sitting at their table.

The drunk couple.

Does he know them? Are they friends? The couple looks younger than him, but I guess that doesn’t really matter. No, he can’t be. The look of annoyance that was present on his face a few minutes ago proves that.

I can hear the cook yell, “orders up” through the window and place the food under the heat lamps behind the counter. As the waitress turns around to grab them, I walk back to my car, ready to fly out of the parking lot, and kicking up a shit ton of dust as I go. But when I sit down in the driver’s seat, I realize I can’t leave until he does. I have to see the exchange between him and the couple when they say goodbye.

Dazed, I sit there for about thirty minutes before I see them walking toward the door. I hunch down behind my steering wheel once more, not ready for what I am about to see.

He opens the car door and helps the guy lay the girl down across the back seat. Bodhi’s behavior seems normal, under the circumstances. The other guy is a little handsy, but if that’s his girlfriend, I guess I get it. But the moment he places his hand at the small of Bodhi’s back, I start to lose it. Just as I am about to jump out of the car, I see Bodhi do something I’ve never seen him do before.

He smiles.

He’s never smiled at me.

Not in a friendly way.

Not in a playful way.

Not in a loving way.

Not at all.

Watching the scene play out has my emotions all over the place and I am having a hard time pinning any of them down.

Bodhi opens the passenger door for the guy before he walks to the driver’s side, gets in, and drives away.

I don’t know how long I sit there, still staring at the spot where his car used to be, but eventually my hand finds my keys, swinging from the ignition, and I turn my car on.

I leave the parking lot full of anger and heartache, and the worst case of blue balls that I’ve ever had in my entire life.

Chapter 12

Sid is sitting next to me on the couch.

He’s watching Daisy’s pretty little mouth sliding up and down my dick, and he looks absolutely ravenous.

I would have assumed that once his question about what I “am” was answered, he would have skittered away like a scared little boy, but he didn’t. Instead, he told Daisy to get to work because he wants to watch.

What he doesn’t know is that he’ll be part of the show soon enough.

I turn my face toward his, lean my head back against the cushions, and rest a hand gently on the back of Daisy’s head. She’s damn good at what she’s doing, but she won’t make me come—it’ll take more than a blowjob to do that.

Sid’s eyes leave his little concubine’s actions, slowly grazing the length of my torso, until they come to rest on my mouth. He licks his lips quickly before finally raising his eyes to mine and I smile.