Page 12 of After Dark

“Bodhi,” I repeat for the fifth time since I’ve sat down. I clear my throat as I go back to cutting a piece of my meatloaf off, slipping it into my mouth. I glance out the window and wonder how long this is going to take tonight. Perhaps I should keep them for a few days instead of disposing them quickly.

I’ll just have to see how long I can stand their company for.

“Need anything else, sweetheart?” Baby Jane asks as she swings by the table. I use the napkin to wipe my mouth, drop it on the plate, and slide it toward the edge of the table. I give her a small smile and shake my head as she takes my leftovers and walks away.

“Hey, are you fucking that old lady? She seems sweet on you,” Dionysus says.


“What’s it like? I’ve never had old pussy before,” he asks in his drunken stupor as he sits up and pushes Persephone away from him.

“Well,” I begin conversationally as I fold my arms on the tabletop and give them my undivided attention, “had you paid attention to what I just said, you would know I don’t have an honest answer for you. However, I’m willing to give you a dishonest answer and tell you that it probably feels the same as fucking young pussy.”

Persephone giggles as her false idol companion scoffs and rolls his eyes, “Whatever.”

“Here you go, darlin’,” Baby Jane says as she drops the bill on the table. I flip it over, scan the items listed, then call out to my favorite server.


“What’s up?” she asks, looking at me over her shoulder.

“The entire table,” I tell her with a smile as I hold the paper out to her. Baby Jane looks from god to goddess then back at me before she shakes her head and walks away, a heavy sigh escaping her.

“I don’t think she likes us, baby,” Persephone tells her companion who scoffs and rolls his eyes. I can tell he’ll be easy to manage for the evening. He doesn’t seem to care about anything that doesn’t hold his interest long enough and I can tell by the way he’s been stealing glances at me when he thinks I haven’t noticed, that I have his unequivocal attention.

After Baby Jane comes back and I clear the tab for myself and my new “friends”, I get to my feet and wait patiently for them to do the same.

“Can I ask you something?” the drunken mess of a man asks me as he waivers slightly.


I hold out a hand to steady him, then smile at Persephone when she turns slightly red at my touching her companion. Out of jealousy or girlish fascination, I can’t tell. I don’t really give a fuck either, though.

“What the fuck are you?” he asks, taking a step toward me.

I arch an eyebrow.

I’m used to this question, but not in the manner that he poses it in.

“Excuse me?”

“Like, are you a chick or a dude? Or are you a chick with a dick? Or are you just like a really flat chested chick. Or—”

“Baby,” Persephone quickly pokes his side as her face flushes in embarrassment and I smile at her.

“It’s okay,” I assure her before I turn my attention back toward the god of drunks and let my lips slide into a grin. I’m sure I look like I’m baring my teeth in this moment by the way he takes an unsteady step backward, but if he’s going to behave like a child, then I should behave like the feral monster I know I am.

“How about you both come home with me and you can find out,” I counter, crossing my arms over my chest. It’s a challenge that his macho bravado won’t let him turn down. I’ve met men like him before and when faced with a dare, they dive straight into the deep end, not realizing that even deep-sea monsters lurk in the coolest and calmest of waters.

“I wanna go home,” the precious little girl whines to her conquering hero, pulling on his arm and tearing her eyes away from me.

“Fuck that,” he says, giving her another rough shove, almost knocking her off her feet. “We’ll go home when I say we do. We’re looking to party,” he continues as he turns his attention back toward me. “You up for a wild night or is this gonna be a waste of my fucking time?”

“As wild as the beast before you,” I promise him softly as I turn and lead the way out of the diner. I give Baby Jane a small wave on the way out to let her know I’m okay and that they’re not harassing me.

Sometimes, I think she knows what I do when I leave with patrons that never come back, but I don’t think she cares.

And if she does, she’s smart enough not to say anything.