I can see how his eyes have slipped from his fingers in my mouth to my breasts. The T-shirt he gave me to wear is soft and thin and it’s rubbing against my hard, sensitized nipples.

Geraint’s legs tighten around me, and he reaches down to me with large, strong hands, and pulls me up against him.


I lay her back on the bed and untie her wrists. “You don’t need to be tied up right now, do you, baby?”

She shakes her head, her gaze locked on mine. Having power over someone is easy. You just

have to figure out what they want most in the world and then make them believe you’re the only one who can give it to them.

I push my T-shirt up her body and my breath catches as I get a look at her breasts. Full, sweet, and round, with dusky nipples as tight as rosebuds. I suck one into my mouth, watching as her mouth opens in shock and pleasure. Her hands are gripping the sheets and one by one, I pick them up and place them on my shoulders.

She needs to learn how to touch me too.

I kiss down her belly, feeling her eyes on me as I go. Her underwear needs to come off this time. As I pull them down her legs, I take a good look at her pretty pink pussy, anticipating what it’s going to feel like against my tongue when I claim it as mine.

Branwen spreads her thighs for me and I can’t help but smile. She wants me to claim her so badly. My tongue finds her clit and she’s so fucking sweet. Her hips rock against my mouth as I lick her—needy little movements from a needy little baby.

I ease a finger inside her pussy and she’s as tight and scared as a virgin. I won’t go deep. I’ll fuck her so I can tell her daddy how I deflowered his precious daughter right before I kill him, but not tonight. I lick lovingly around my finger lodged inside her and then up to her clit again, and pulse slowly in and out of her. A promise of what it’s going to feel like when it’s my cock, not my finger.

“Are you going to do what I say on this trip? Exactly what I say? I don’t want to have to hurt you, babygirl, but I will if I have to.”

She nods quickly, whimpering.

“Everything I say, even if you don’t understand or like it?”

She nods again, and I put my tongue back on her clit. Girls taste so much better when they’re being good. Her thighs are quivering by my ears and I know she’s getting real close. I wonder if she’s even come before tonight. Good little Catholic girls are probably told they’ll burn if they ring the devil’s doorbell.

It’s all right, baby. I’ll ring it for you. Branwen’s panting so fast now and making tiny little mewling noises. A shudder passes through her. Ding-dong. There it is, and I feel myself smiling against her sex as her orgasm rocks through her and she clutches my shoulders. Her pussy tugs rhythmically on my finger and I feel a spasm in my cock.

Finally, she falls back, gasping for breath. After a moment, she seems to realize how much noise she’s made and clamps her lips shut.

I kiss her inner thighs and sit up. “Are you going to do as daddy says?”

Branwen’s eyes are full of yes and I know I’m in her head now. She just needs a higher power to serve, and now that power is me.

I smile wide in the darkness and I wonder if she sees her devil in my face. “Such a good girl.”


It’s not the morning light or a nightmare that wakes me. It’s the feel of something hot and stiff pressing into the cleft of my behind. A heavy arm is flung across my waist and a large, rough hand holds one of my breasts. I look down at myself. It’s squarish, tanned, and has veins crisscrossing the back. There’s a silver ring around the middle finger and the nails are short and clean.

Geraint’s hand. The hand that touched me. Those fingers were inside me. My eyes fasten on the print of a horse ranch on the far wall, trying to comprehend the events of last night. It was as if I came under a spell. I was dreaming about Cora, and then Geraint was up on the bed with me. Talking to me with magic words. Promising to make it all better if I only did what he said. It felt so very good to do what he said. I wonder if he hypnotized me or drugged me in some way because I wasn’t in control of what was happening to me.

I can’t have been.

I let him hit me. Be rough with me. Make me cry. Punish me over and over. A flood of longing and something else, something more delicious, wells up inside me and it’s all I can do not to rub against that thick rod pressing against my behind. My body isn’t my own anymore. My body belongs to Geraint. It wants Geraint. I’ve never so much as let a man see me topless, and yet when Geraint touched me, I opened my legs for him and did things I didn’t know my body could do. My cheeks heat at the memory of his tongue lapping me between my legs. Men put their mouths…there? Like a kiss? When he hasn’t even kissed my mouth?

But why would he when kisses on the mouth mean romance, love, marriage. I don’t know much about what goes on between men and women but this wasn’t about any of that. This was something bad because Geraint is a bad man. He’s not the good sort of man you marry, so of course he wouldn’t put his mouth on mine. Bad men put their mouths in other places.

The longer I lie here, the more chance there is that it will happen again. I try to ease myself from his arms but his limbs are a dead weight on me. I’m naked, and if I don’t get away from him before he wakes up, he’s going to see everything in the cold light of day.

Geraint murmurs sleepily and grinds his cock against my ass. “Stop wriggling or you’re gonna make me fuck you.”

I freeze, terrified and fascinated at the same time. He might do what he did last night—spank me till I cry and then soothe me with his words and tongue.

Daddy forgives you.