“It’s been a long, long time since I stood on stage and played guitar. It’s taken a lot to get me up here. A ton of love.”

With that, he started playing. Carlie put her arm around me.

“You knew?” I mouthed at her.

She nodded.

He played guitar like a dream. I couldn’t imagine anything better than that moment. Jackson’s voice, singing just for me. His music. I thought my heart would burst.

Then he finished. I thought he’d walk off stage then but he stayed.

“I never thought I’d ever do anything this cheesy in my life but a mighty fine woman deserves a grand gesture. Gina, you saved me. I’d have been the most miserable bastard alive if it wasn’t for you. I don’t have much to offer you, but even so, will you marry me?

People around me screamed and cheered. I had no idea what to do. Had I heard right?

Suddenly, everyone was chanting “Gina, Gina,” and pushing me toward the stage. I did not want to go up there. I hated the limelight. I hated people looking at me. Hell, I was going to be a bride and they’d all be looking then. I’d better get used to it.

Jackson jumped off the stage before I got there. He knew how much I hated it.

“You’d better say ‘yes’ or I’m going to look like a true idiot,” he said.

“Hell yeah, but never, never do anything like that again!”

He kissed me then I knew this was forever. I’d marry him and we’d have grumpy little Jackson babies and I’d live happily ever after with him. Our lives wouldn’t be perfect but they’d be together and that was all that mattered.

Chapter 40 Alex

HOW WAS I SUPPOSED to finish the set after Jackson had his fun? Everyone was filled with gooey, romantic shit. I’d agreed to him playing but that proposal stuff was a shock to me. Even someone like him could fall.

I went into the next song but the magic wasn’t there. It was good but lacked the usual spark. I tried to push it, to make get the crowd pumped but it was the wrong song for the night. When we finished, I turned to the guys.

“Change of set,” I said. “I’ll do this one solo.”

A slow ballad was much more to the crowd’s taste. I hadn’t rehearsed this song for a while but it was much more in keeping with the atmosphere. I’d soon have them back where I wanted them.

Gina and Jackson stood to the side of the stage, all glowing with love. People kept congratulating them. I kept singing.

When I got to the chorus, I looked up. Someone pushed their way through the crowd. The energy radiating from her actually made people cower away. She cleared a path in front of her, taking the focus off me. I didn’t like that one bit.

I tried to ignore her as I sang. She got to the front and leaned against the stage, her posture alone a big “fuck off” to me. I wouldn’t pay attention to her. I wouldn’t let her know she was getting to me.

There wasn’t a man in the place that wasn’t gawking at her. She was hot and she knew it.

Even with her hair bleached white-blond and her eyes rimmed with black liner, even with her figure filled out so any man knew she wasn’t a little kid anymore, I’d recognize her anywhere.

Jake McGowan’s kid sister.

She grinned at me and it turned my blood cold. She wasn’t here for fun, that’s for sure.

She was here for revenge.

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