Chapter 17 Jackson

“I’LL GIVE YOU A THOUSAND over what you paid.” Razer had his hands on his hips and looked like he meant business.

“I told you, she’s not for sale.”

Alex and Razer stared at each other. I’d walked into the bar in the middle of a heated negotiation. I had no idea what it was about but it looked like it could get interesting. Carlie rolled her eyes at me. I guess it’d been going on for a while.

Razer must be doing alright out of this tour if he could flash around a grand like that. But he’d have no chance of winning Alex over with money. Alex was loaded and didn’t need the extra thousand dollars. He’d get much more pleasure out of watching Razer grovel.

“But I love her, mate. You have no idea.”

“What are you selling? Violet?” I couldn’t help myself.

“NO!” They both turned to me in shock. I was just being funny.

“Well, you were both willing to bet on her,” I said. “Selling her isn’t much different when you think about it.”

“Anyway, why would I be buying her off Alex? She’s mine. And not for sale.”

Alex walked around the bar and patted Razer on the shoulder. “That’s how I feel about the Les Paul,” Alex said. “She’s mine and she’s not for sale.”

“But I love her more than you do. I’d go into the shop and look at her at least once a week. She was my dream. The one thing I wanted more than anything else.” Razer sighed. “I’ve never even seen you play her. You bought her with money, not love.”

“Would you give up Violet for her?”

“Hell no, but anything else.”

Violet came out of her office and we all shut up, hoping she hadn’t heard a word of that conversation. There’d be hell to pay if she had. Razer grinned but held up his hand.

“Come on, Alex. We leave tonight and I really want to take her with me.”

Alex ignored him and turned to Violet.

“You finished up?”

“Sure am. I’ve gone through everything with Sally and left written instructions. She’s pretty much across it now. She’s got my number but everything’s set up for the next few months so she’ll only be doing new bookings from then.”

Violet had a bag filled with things from her office. She looked pretty choked up.

“You’ll always have a job here if it doesn’t work out,” Alex said. “Maybe not as band booker but bar work or maybe even busboy if I promote Drew.”

“You’re going to promote me?” Drew’s face lit up but Alex shook his head.

Violet bit her lip. Her hands trembled as she held her bag.

“Last offer, two grand over the price,” Razer said as he was getting up. “You won’t regret it.”

“No deal.”

Carlie ran out from behind the bar and threw her arms around Violet. She was so going to cry. I’d told Drew she’d cry. I’d tried to take bets on it but no one would take the odds.

“You email me every day, okay?” Carlie said, then she turned to Razer. “And you make sure that you look after her. No dramas, no upsets. And look after yourself too. And Bill and Dazza. Oh man, there’ll be no food left in Europe when Dazza gets there.”

The tears glistened in Carlie’s eyes but she hadn’t cried yet.

Razer and Violet walked to the door. Before she left, Violet turned to Alex.

“Oh, by the way, I’m not for sale and if I was, you couldn’t afford me.”