“Yeah, but that worked out good for you, right? You were just too much of a ‘fraidy cat to admit you liked Razer. Although, if it were me, I’d have picked Alex. He’s much cooler.”

Violet punched Drew on the arm. “Did Jackson say it had to be a girl? Because otherwise, you could ask Alex out on a date.”

“I’m not in love with Alex. I just admire him.”

I sat back quietly while this conversation went on between them. Drew tried to be serious about the dating thing but Violet kept teasing him. All the while, I had a plan brewing in my head. Jackson had been such a jerk, it wouldn’t hurt him to suffer a bit for it. He had no regard for my feelings and, this way, I could teach him several valuable life lessons in one hit.

“Have you ever asked a girl out?” Violet asked.

“Well, that depends on how you define ‘ask out’,” Drew replied. He crossed his arms and seemed to be considering it.

“There’s only one definition, dude.”

I inhaled deeply. I had to jump in before I lost my nerve. “Ask me out.”

Both Drew and Violet turned to me.

“Wow, Gina, that’s really nice. I never knew you thought about me like that.”

“She doesn’t, Drew. She’s got ulterior motives. But you get to win the challenge and Gina gets to do the shit she needs to do. You don’t even have to worry about breaking anyone’s heart because it’s a set-up. Nice work.”

I grinned at Violet. She totally got where I was going.

“Just don’t fall in love with me, Gina,” Drew said. “I don’t want to break your heart.”

I tried not to grin. Drew took himself very seriously sometimes and I think it hurt him a little to be teased too much. Part of me wished I would fall in love with Drew. It’d be so simple and uncomplicated. He was a sweet guy and he didn’t have the emotional baggage of some other people. But I could never see him as more than a friend.

“I promise.”

“Woohoo, you’re my ticket to guitar stardom.”

“Yeah, well no word of it to Jackson. He’s not to know it’s a set-up or he’ll never give you lessons.”

Drew nodded. “That’s not really honest but if Jackson wants to think we’re going out, he can think it. It’s not outright lying, just not giving him excess information.”

I grinned. Jackson could laugh at me all he wanted, I’d show him.

Chapter 9 Jackson

“I’VE DONE IT,” DREW said. “I’ve won the challenge.”

Bloody hell, I never expected that. The kid was lying, that’s for sure.

“No way,” said Carlie. “You got up the balls to actually ask someone on a date? And she said yes?”

Drew pursed his lips. He sat down at the bar, looking like he was the king of the world. His face glowed with his success.

“Carlie, I find it kind of offensive that you think I’m incapable of going on a date. Chicks dig the Drewster.”

I choked on my drink. I coughed and spluttered until Carlie had to run out from behind the bar and thump me on the back. I’m not sure if it was the shock of Drew actually getting a date or him calling himself the Drewster, but he would surely kill me.

“Jackson, get ready to teach guitar.”

When I could breathe again, I glared at him. “I need proof.”

“You’ll have proof alright. I’m meeting her here tomorrow. It’s my night off. You’ll see.”

Shit, I had not expected this. I could not, would not teach him guitar. The thought of picking that instrument up again made shivers run through my body. I had nothing in me to give, if only Drew realized. It was all in the past, every bit of talent leeched out of my body.