“Quiet night, tonight,” he said.

I grunted and glanced back at Holden. She still sat there.

“Guess it’s Monday, people don’t like coming out on a Monday.”

I handed the customer his beers, still watching Holden. The chick hadn’t moved. Even though Holden did nothing to encourage her, it drove me nuts. I didn’t want to get all territorial but she obviously couldn’t take a hint.

Holden put his phone back in his pocket then walked around to join Alex and Jac

kson. She followed him.

When I finished serving the guy, I spun around.

“Oi, you, leave him alone.”

Holden rolled his eyes but she was being a nuisance.

It was way past time that Mark should be back. I wouldn’t do him a favor again, that’s for sure. That stupid plastic ring dug into my finger. I wanted to take it off and throw it at Holden. What had that all been about, anyway? Some stupid, spur of the moment thing that meant nothing. It was an ugly ring and I didn’t even want it.

“Just one photo.” Her voice became a grating whine.

“Okay, then I’ll let you get back to your friends. I don’t want to waste too much of your time,” Holden told her.

I knew he was trying to be nice but he didn’t have to be “on” all the time. He could be more assertive about getting rid of her. All these fans had ruined our day together but this one was definitely the worst. She had a predatory look in her eyes that showed she wanted far more than just a photo. Why did he have to be so fucking nice to people?

Someone tapped on the bar and I turned to serve them. That meant I had my back to Holden.

All I heard was Jackson’s voice. “Listen, love, you’ll wanna watch yourself. See that woman behind the bar, you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her.”

Jackson wasn’t wrong. The blood rushed to my head. I’d known when I got back with Holden that things wouldn’t last long but I had no intention of letting some bitch be all over him while I watched.

“Watch it,” the customer said.

Huh? Oh, I’d overflowed the beer glass. I grabbed another glass from the tray and started again. Then Mark returned, laughing to himself about something.

“Hey, Carlie, want to hear a joke?”

“No, I fucking don’t. Five-minute break, more like five hours. Why are you always taking advantage of people?”

I flung my apron at him. I’d pull Holden out of here by the arm if need be. Coming to the bar had been a bad, bad idea. We should’ve just gone home to be alone without his adoring fans.

Before I could grab Holden though, the chick draped herself all over him.

“Just another photo.” She brushed her lips against his neck. “A sexy one this time.”

I stormed from behind the bar and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her off him.

“What the fuck –” She tried to push me away.

“Get off him. Get your fucking hands off him, you stupid bitch.”

She screamed and the room went black. All I could see was her face, laughing at me.

I’d warned her. She should’ve left him alone.

Before she could say anymore, I punched her in the mouth. Her stupid mouth, with its stupid talking. She shouldn’t have had it where it wasn’t wanted.

She screamed again, and Alex pulled me away.