If I let myself, for even one moment, fall into a dream of what it would be like to marry Holden, I’d fall forever. It wasn’t possible. It was fine to dream about supporting someone when you’re a kid but what would I do? Trail around with him while he toured the world? Be that woman sitting in the corner, watching on.

What if we had kids? He’d be off traveling and I’d be stuck at home, constantly obsessing that he was with someone else. It wasn’t a picture that I could put together.

Everything seemed fine at the bar. Alex and Jackson in the corner, Mark behind the bar, a bunch of regulars sitting around drinking. A typical night.

We sat down at the bar and I called Mark over to get us drinks.

“Hey, Carlie, since you’re here, can you relieve me? I’ve not had a break yet,” Mark said.

“No, she can’t. I don’t even know why she’s here. She’s having a night off.” Alex scowled at me. “Call someone from upstairs.”

“It’s okay. It’s not like I’m doing anything.” I jumped up.

Holden shot me a look of annoyance but what did he expect? This was my job and it was only for five minutes. It wasn’t like I’d be working all night.

Fuck what Holden thought, anyway. How was this different than him leaving me standing around, like a dick, while he signed autographs and posed for photos?

I hung up Holden’s jacket then grabbed an apron from behind the bar.

“Really, you don’t have to do this. I might start imposing a ‘no coming to the bar on your night off’ rule for you and Violet.”

“Yeah, and then she’d be spending more time with Razer,” I said, just so he’d get that look on his face like he’d sucked on a lemon.

He didn’t say anything but I knew he didn’t take it well.

I pulled Holden a beer, then checked things were right behind the bar. Mark had everything in disarray, so I had to put the stock back in the right places. He knew better than to move things around. There was a system and it wasn’t his weirdo system either.

When I looked up, some girl had settled herself in my seat beside Holden. Blonde curly hair and a low-cut dress. Another fan wanting a photo. Mostly, in the bar, the customers were too cool for that kind of thing. They treated Holden like he was a regular guy, at least to his face and were too cool to ask for photos or any of that shit.

The blonde wasn’t a regular, though. I bet she’d just come in because she’d heard he hung out here. Stalker groupie type.

I walked to that side of the bar but he ignored me. Even if he was annoyed that I’d said I’d work for five minutes, his behavior just wasn’t on. He wasn’t actually paying attention to the other chick either and, when I got closer, I realized he had out his phone, texting someone.

I chewed on my nail, waiting for him to fix this.

“Get me a beer, will you?” the girl said.

“I don’t think so,” I told her. “Your type isn’t welcome here.”

Holden glared at me but I was fucked if I’d serve her. She could go somewhere else to drink. Like he’d said earlier, I didn’t have to be nice to the general public, especially the general public who flirted with him. I was just a bar manager, not some hotshot rock star. I had no public image to care about.

I waited for him to get rid of her but she just giggled and rubbed his arm. He kept on texting. Why the hell did he just sit there instead of telling her he was with someone?

Sneering, she looked up at me. “Why are you just standing there? Get my drink.”

“I want to make sure you aren’t doing anything inappropriate,” I said through gritted teeth. “I think you need to leave.”

The girl had taken her hand from his arm but, from the way she moved, she’d put it on his leg.

“It was nice meeting you but you probably should leave,” Holden said. He turned so that his body was away from her. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

“Just one photo,” she said with an exaggerated pout that made me want to slap her.

Surely, we could have one drink without someone hassling us. The blood started pounding in my ears but I ignored it. I’d stay calm and deal with her.

“Don’t you have any friends here?” I said with a fake smile. “Maybe you should run back and join them?”

Before I could say any more, a guy came to the bar for a round of drinks. I had to serve him.