"I can't stay long but I wanted to see you," Holden said quietly and he smiled like the sun breaking over a dark land.

"Okay, you've seen me," I said but I couldn't stop glancing at him. The lust rays beamed from my eyes and hit the ones coming from him. Knock off time couldn't come quick enough. I wanted him.

"Fuck yeah!"

Was that Drew swearing? Hell, what'd happened? I ran over to the table.

No fucking way. I'd lost? How? I glanced back over to Holden. He'd done it to me. He was my Galaga kryptonite. I shot him a look of anger but he did that curled lip grin that got me in the stomach every single time. What was a game of Galaga compared to that?

Drew jumped up from the machine. I hope that meant he was leaving to enjoy his victory but no such luck.

"I beat Carlie at Galaga, I beat Carlie at Galaga. I am the champion. I am the best." He did a stupid little dance move as he ran around the bar. “I beat Carrrrrlie. I beat Carrrrrrlie."

"Catchy little song," Holden said.

"I beat Carlie and Holden loves my song. Oh yeah." He threw in a hip shake. "Today is the day Drew rules supreme."

I didn't even try to punch him. What was wrong with me? I'd become soft. I was no longer the same Carlie.

Chapter 21

"SO, YOU AND HOLDEN are back together? He wouldn't be interested in playing another gig here, would he?"

Trust Alex to be going for the best angle for him out of the whole situation. It'd taken exactly five hours and fifteen minutes for the news about Holden and me to get around the bar. That was including Christos who spent most of his time passed out on the bathroom floor. And, since then, they’d all talked about nothing else.

"Ask him," I told Alex. "Do I look like I'm his management?"

"No need to get snappy. I thought you'd be a bit less snarky now you're getting some."

I snatched an ice cube and threw it at Alex's head.

"Oww, that really hurt."

"Yeah, be grateful it was just an ice cube and not my boot, you sexist pig."

I grinned. He deserved it after that crack. To be honest, Holden made me so happy that it scared me. Happiness is a trap. Sure, it's fine for a while but eventually, you have to crash back down to earth. Things with Holden had been too good. But they were only that way because I'd put myself into a bubble of denial.

"Anyway, Carlie, if you intend on ditching work so you can go touring the world with your rock star boyfriend, can you let me know in advance so I can replace you?"

"You can't replace me, Alex. You could scour this entire planet and nowhere would you find never find a better bar manager than me."

"She's definitely been in a better mood since she got back with Holden," Jackson said.

"Shut the fuck up, Jackson. You too, Alex. The pair of you. If someone is in a bad mood, maybe it's because they are surrounded by jerks, not because they need the cock. So put a sock in it because I have plenty more ice here and I'm a good aim."

"I mean it, Carlie. You have to think about these things."

Alex could say that but that was the exact thing I didn't want to do — think about the future and what this relationship meant. I wanted to float on the surface with Holden.

"Yeah, sure thing. Although, I can't see me rushing off any time soon."

Even though they were jerks, it was easier to deal with Alex and Holden than with Violet. To the point that I considered giving up smoking so that I wouldn't have to go into her office and face her questioning. That lasted for two hours.

"I know what you're going to say," I said to her. "Let's just pretend you said it and go on from there."

"How do you know what I'm going to say? You tell me, Carlie."
