I hadn't meant that seriously but the look of guilt that stole over Alex's face confirmed it. He had actually done that. He’d pimped me out to Holden to get him to play here. I’d thought it strange that a big star like Holden would play at Trouble. The whole thing made me angry on levels. Angry with Alex and angry with Holden.

"He wants you to watch him, is that so bad?"

"Yeah, it's about the worst thing ever. You are so full of crap. Have you ever thought of supporting your own staff instead of being Holden's bitch? I supported you in the whole you vs Razer deal with Violet."

"Did you?"

Alex obviously wasn't going to fall for that. I mean, I did support him in the way that if Violet had wanted him, I'd have been behind it. You can't push people to date someone they don't want to. It was just a very passive kind of support.

I shrugged and turned away. Alex was stepping over the boss line by a mile and there had no leverage at all.

"I'll give you money."

He smiled like he could charm me into it. And offering money? What was with that shit? You can't just pay someone to do things they don't want to do. It was evil and wrong.

"How much?" Hey, I had to ask.

He named a figure that made my eyes bulge. An offer I couldn't refuse. Even with the raise I got when I became bar manager, I still had a lot of expenses to pay, and extra money always came in handy. I could go on a holiday somewhere nice or buy some new clothes. Or just go buy something really crazy.

I wanted to be the type of person who got all indignant about being offered money and stand on some moral high ground, except there was no money on that high ground. There was no luxurious cheesecakes or new gym shoes either. I have my price and, to be honest, it was a lot cheaper than Alex thought.

"Do I have to actually listen? I mean, if I'm physically there, but wearing earplugs and not watching the stage, does that count?"

Alex relaxed and sat down.

"If you're in the room, that's enough for me. Just don't put the earplugs in before the gig in case he sees you. You have to watch the support band."

"Who's doing support?" I asked. That'd been under wraps until now.

Alex flashed me a huge smile.

"No way. You absolute wanker," said Jackson. "You're so full of yourself, putting yourself on as support for the opening gig in your new club."

"Jackson is not wrong," I added.

We fist-bumped.

Our mockery didn't deter Alex. In fact, I think he loved it. It gave him some weird kind of validation when we called him a wanker.

"I was holding off until I knew if the new drummer would work out but I think we'll be up to speed. And I see nothing wrong with playing at my own club."

He started to walk off as though there was nothing more for him to say on the subject. I realized we'd not actually nutted out the details of our deal, though.

"Hey, I haven't said yes yet. You can't buy me with your dirty money. I'm not some whore for rock."

"You'll do it." His grin was so cocky and self-assured.

If he'd offered that much money though, there was room to negotiate. I couldn't just take his first offer. Wow, I'd be flush. It'd be nice to not have to struggle for a while. And getting paid more to not work than if I were, that had to be the best money.

"I want the cash upfront and another grand on top as a bonus."

Was that going too far? Hell, no. I had to have room for his counter offer. I folded my arms and put on my sweetest smile. Alex smiled back. A smile that cut like a serial killer's knife. All sharp and dangerous.

"No way. I pay you upfront and you might take the money and run."


"Where would I run to? I have nowhere but here." Did he even know me? Of course, I wouldn't run. I guess after the fact, there wouldn’t be much he could do if I didn't show up for the gig.