"You made me bar manager. This is on me. My decision, my responsibility."

He nodded. "You're right. So long as the bar is covered, I'm happy

. I've got other things to think about this week. I need to find a new drummer. Sharing a drummer with Razer is not working out at all. The damn fool has taken off, leaving me in the lurch. So, I probably won't be in much. I hate to admit it but Razer is just getting more popular. "

He sighed as though auditioning drummers was the worst thing possible. I'd never done it so maybe it was.

The whole night dragged. Holden didn't come in but his butthole guitarist did. Shun played in Holden's band and he gave egotistical guitarists a bad name. He sat at the bar with Jackson, probably talking about something riveting like guitar strings or distortion pedals or some other guitarist shit. He had his hair tied in a man bun which made me hate him more and arrogance rolled off him in waves.

He called me over. "Where's my drink?"

I shot him a look that would shrivel a regular guy. "You want a drink, you order it with manners."

He did a double-take then glared at me as though I'd jump up and get it.

A bunch of dirty glasses sat on the nearby tables.

"Have you seen Brad?" I asked Jackson. I hadn't seen him around for a while.

"The new busboy? I saw him grab his jacket from behind the bar and run out the door. Just after you yelled at him, actually.”

I wondered what it took to be a busboy. Hell, it was just clearing the tables. It wasn't like it was that challenging. I had a few other candidates I could call, one of them would be happy to have the job.

"Looks like you'll have to wait a minute," I said to Shun.

That jerk had the audacity to snort at me. I bussed the tables myself. It wasn't like I'd even really yelled at the guy, just told him to do his job instead of trying to chat up customers.

I took my time wiping down the tables. Because that jerk could wait for his drink. He got my back up, the way he ordered me around.

Then I heard him mention Holden's name and my ears pricked up.

"No mate, the guy's the most boring motherfucker you'd ever meet on the road. Groupies, my arse. He has all the pussy he could possibly put his dick in. Every night, a string of chicks waiting for him. And what does he do? Goes back to his hotel room alone. Never even looks at them. He's not gay either. Well, I've never seen him with a guy." Shun laughed like a hyena. "Not to worry, just leaves more for me. If I'm their second choice, what does it matter? At least I'm getting some. Getting plenty actually."

A flush shot through my body. Was I meant to hear that? Had Holden put him up to it? I didn't think so. Shun didn't seem like he'd be anyone's bitch and he wasn't even talking to me.

What the hell did that mean, though? Holden had the sex drive of a maniac. He couldn't go a day without it, let alone months on the road. He had to be doing something.

I went to the bar to get Shun's drink but when I gave it to him, they'd started talking about something else.

He left shortly after that.

"Not much action happening here. I might head to that place across town. Coming with me?" he asked Jackson. “At least they’ll serve me there.”

I grinned at the idea of Jackson heading to some pick-up joint. He wasn't the type. He wasn't the type to even leave here.

"You're screwed," Jackson said, his attention back on me now that Shun had left. "You aren't going to get someone like Drew. Even with his mistakes and stupidity, he worked hard and loved this place. You'll end up with some dumb kid who'll slack off every chance they get and probably steal from the till."

"Thanks, Jackson. That's just the ray of sunshine I need right now."

Chapter 14

"YOU ARE NOT WORKING that night. You are going to be in the band room watching that gig."

Alex stood before me, arms folded with determination. He'd come into the bar early and there was only him, Jackson and me in the place.

He had this whole thing about making me watch Holden play. There was no way in hell I'd be doing that. I had too much of a sense of survival to put myself in that position. Holden doing the eye thing, I could resist. Holden telling me he wanted me, I could deal with. But Holden, on stage playing guitar and moving those hips, not a chance in hell.

"That's balls, Alex. You can tell me not to work but you can't force me to watch that stupid gig. What the fuck is this? Was that how you got Holden to play here? Offering me as a gift-wrapped bonus? That's some fucked up shit."