“Are you okay?” Holden asked.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. I wanted to push him again but my legs shook so much I wasn’t sure I could stand on my own. The warmth of him comforted me.

“I’m fine,” I said but my voice shook.

I wasn’t strong enough. No matter how hard I trained, I’d never be strong enough.

I let him walk me home. Even then, I kept checking behind me. The feeling of that man’s hand on my wrists didn’t leave me.

When we got to my place, we paused outside.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Holden said.

“I’m fine. I just need to sleep.”

He nodded.

I opened the door to go inside and he stayed beside me. I needed the warmth of him. I needed someone with me.

“You can come in if you want.” I turned my head to him, wanting him to kiss me. Wanting him to try once more. I needed him.

He stroked my face.

“Not like this, Carlie. You’re upset and scared. If I come in now, you know what’ll happen. And it’d be wrong because you don’t really want me. You just want to be comforted. I’ll wait outside until you’re asleep if that makes you feel safe but I’m not taking advantage of a situation like this.”

I pulled away from him and slammed the door. Screw him.

I didn’t want comfort. I wanted Holden King.

Chapter 13

"YOU SACKED DREW? YOU're a hard-hearted woman, that's for sure." Jackson didn't have to look quite so shocked. Already, I had regrets burrowing into my heart but I had to stand firm.

"If you'd seen what he did, you'd have sacked him too."

Jackson sat back on his stool and contemplated what I said. Then he shook his head. "I'd have never done that. Drew's young. He needs to learn and he's part of this place just like you and just like me."

That was okay for Jackson to say. He didn't work here or have any responsibilities.

"Well, it's too late now. He's gone. He'll probably come in Thursday to pick up his pay but that'll be it. That kid over there is on trial tonight. Brad. He seems to be working out well."

I looked over at Brad to see him staring blankly at the wall.

"Maybe you should sort your own shit out, then you wouldn't be so quick to fly off the handle."

I could've mentioned how Jackson had walked out himself but I didn't want to get into all that. The tension in the bar was bad enough without bringing up things better left buried.

"I hear Razer's doing well," I said. "They're killing them all along the coast. Violet says he might be getting a recording contract and there's a guy interested in managing them. He's some big shot." I wiped the bar as I talked.

"That so? Good luck to him. He did a mighty powerful thing turning down his shot at the big time to keep his band together and it's going to pay off for him. Not many would do that."

It sure had paid off. He had Violet and he had his career on track.

To be honest, I hadn’t thought of Drew until I got to work and had the sudden realization that he wouldn't be there.

Later, when Alex came in, I told him about Drew.

"Are you sure you did the right thing?" Alex asked. "Maybe you were a bit hasty? You can always take him back."