He worked me with his eyes but I wouldn't fall for it. I'd given Holden King enough chances for a thousand lifetimes.

"You don't get another chance. That's how life works."

“I’d give you a million chances. The bucket of chances I’d give you has no bottom.”

"Screw you," I shouted and kicked him hard in the shins. Then I walked off. If he followed me, I'd kick him again. I hadn't intended on really calling the police but if he forced things, I would. “Screw you. You walked out. You didn’t give me chances then. Your bucket wasn’t full of chances, it was full of fucks you didn’t give.”

"Come back, Carlie. I need you."

I turned back to him. " I don't need you. Did you ever think of that?"

I kept walking with a head full of anger. It filled every fiber of my being. What a load of shit he talked.

It wasn’t that far from the bar to my place. About half-hour walk at most and I needed to burn off this anger or I’d never sleep. I often walked home. Even though the streets were dark, there was usually no one around at this time of night. I avoided the worst parts of town.

The bit with the construction site near the bridge was the worst part. Even when it was quiet, I hurried past.

I saw a guy up ahead, walking toward me, but figured he was some drunk on his way home and paid him no mind.

He got closer, still shuffling along and, as he walked by, he bumped right into me, knocking hard against my shoulder that was still sore from my boxing session.

“What was that about, dick brain?”

He’d done it on purpose. He had no reason to even walk near me.

“Hey, pretty lady.”

“Don’t ‘pretty lady’ me.” I shoved him back.

“Hey, what’s that for? It was an accident, love. I didn’t mean nothing by it. You’re a bit worked up, aren’t you? Well, I’ve got something that’ll fix that.”

I tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm.

“Let me go.”

I swung. He was a big guy but I could take him. No drunken idiot would grab me and get away with it. With all my training, I knew what I was doing.

He grabbed my arm as I swung. His grip on my wrists held me firm. I never really worried about my safety, but this guy was strong, much stronger than he looked. I tried kicking out at him but he just laughed and pushed me against the wall.

I kicked out again but couldn’t connect. I struggled to free myself but he had my arms pinned. I couldn’t loosen his grip.

“Leave me the fuck alone,” I screamed.

My body shook. What the hell had I been thinking, trying to take on a guy like him? I was fucked. And, if he dragged me into that construction site, I’d be even more fucked. There wouldn’t even be the chance of a passing car spotting us.

He pressed himself heavily against me, forcing his leg between mine. With him so close, I didn’t even have the momentum to kick at him. Even if he let go of my wrists, I was trapped.

The sourness of his breath almost knocked me out. I tried to back away but there was nowhere to go.

He toyed with the neckline of my dress, ready to rip it open.

“She said to leave her alone.”


The attacker swung around at the sound of his voice. His grip on my wrists loosened and I got free. The attacker might’ve been big but Holden was even bigger and, at the sight of him, he ran.

I collapsed against the wall, my legs weak and trembling.