Whoa, a bit of a pissing contest going on there by the sounds of it. But, of course, Alex would back down. He needed Holden a lot more than Holden needed him.

“They want a final veto on anyone invited. I’m sure that was in the contract they sent you.”

“I guess that’s okay. But the invitations have been sent out. I’m sure there is nothing out of order...”

“Even so, they’re picky about my image and how I’m seen in the media. The hard-core rocker thing can only go so far. They’ll just look through the list to make sure there’s not going to be anyone who’ll give us negative press. I’m sure you’ve already thought of it but it’s easier to give in and let them think they are doing their job.”

Holden held his mouth tight as he said that. He was doing the chummy thing that he did when he wanted his own way about things. I knew that act well. He was damn good at it. He finished with his moonbeam smile. Not as strong as his sunshine one but more intimate and personal. It always caught me off guard.

"So, what do you think?" Jackson asked.

I jumped for a moment then realized he meant the new sound desk.

"Not bad, not bad at all," said Alex.

"Yeah, it's a pretty sweet set up. We are going to sound fantastic when we play." Holden had nearly finished his beer but I’d not be rushing over to top him up.

Jackson nodded.

"How about getting up and playing a song with us? I've got time to learn it if you pick one of your old ones."

With that, the bar hushed. Was Holden being a dick or just oblivious? Maybe he'd been so far up his own arse for the past few years that he'd not had any idea what happened in the rest of the world.

No one would dare ask Jackson to play. Not ever.

I waited for Jackson's reaction. Some kind of explosion or lashing out. Jackson just raised his glass to his lips and drained it dry. Then he stood up, threw on his jacket and walked out of the bar.

I'd never known Jackson to leave before closing in the entire time I'd worked there.

"What did I say?" Holden asked.

I just rolled my eyes. He could work that out for himself. Or maybe go on the internet occasionally and find things out. Then he wouldn't go around putting his foot in it.

He sat talking with Alex for quite a while. I poured them occasional drinks and tried to stay down the other end of the bar as much as I could. Drew hovered around them, wanting to join in.

"Get back to work, Drew."

He screwed up his face but didn't say anything. Our talk must've gotten through to him. Even if he wasn't busy, there was no need for him to make a nuisance of himself.

Then Alex had to leave. I figured Holden would go with him. They seemed to have become instant buddies. They were both serious about their work and loved their music but there had to be more to it than that. How did Alex get Holden to agree to play? That was very strange.

Alex left though and Holden still sat alone at the end of the bar. I allowed myself a brief glimpse. He leaned forward resting his elbows on the bar. The lights shone down, giving the effect of a halo around him, but he sure was no angel.

He nodded for another beer. "Aren't you going to ask how I am and what I've been doing for the past few years? Aren't you curious?"

"I have no interest whatsoever."

"Come on, princess, I'm sure as hell curious about how you've been getting on."

"I have a boyfriend. We're serious. And he'd kick your arse if he heard you calling me princess. Get yourself another rock princess, babes." I spat the "babes" at him as though it was a curse. "And if you ever write another song about me again, I will break your fingers. One by one. Snap, snap, snap, snap. Then I might pull out your vocal cords for good measure."

"Have you listened to the words? Really listened. I wrote that song for you, a message for you. I thought it might get through to you."

I shot him a look, wondering if he’d even listened to what I'd said.

"I haven't listened to it because my boyfriend wouldn't like it." I'd started it now so I had to keep the pretense up. Although I doubted I'd fool him. He only had to ask anyone in the bar and they'd tell him different.

"That's his loss. It's a fantastic song."