"Wow, you’re getting serious. I mean, screwing yourselves stupid is one thing but going out in public and being all lovey-dovey is something else. You aren't going to be one of those sick-making couples, are you?"

"God, I hope not. Smother me with a pillow if I get like that."

I didn't want to say it but she'd already had more than a few pillow-smothering worthy moments in the bar. You had to let that kind of things slip though if you wanted to stay friends with someone.

"We can come in if you want. Give you moral support."

I shook my head. "That's not going to make for a romantic date. This is the last place you guys will want to be. And besides, I don't need babysitting. I can cope with this. Go home and have a normal life for one night."

"Hell yeah, then I have holidays from Friday. This working ‘normal people’ hours thing is the best."

"Don't get too used to it. It's going to be hell night when the band room reopens. At least you'll be rested for it. Or will you..."

She just blushed and didn't answer. It'd be damn quiet around here without Violet but I envied her taking holidays.

"You do the rosters. You could give yourself a few days off."

Ha, if she only knew. Instead of having more freedom, I needed to prove myself.

"Yeah, not going to happen. As bar manager, I have to set a good example for the rest of the staff. I'm working more hours than ever. I guess once things get settled, I can take some time off but I'm not loosening the reins."

I didn't even want to let on how much I was working. My legs ached when I tried to sleep from standing on my feet all night and my back creaked like I was a 90-year-old woman. My vanity didn't let me wear comfortable shoes to work but I stuck to my boots and had even broken down and put some inner soles in them.

"Don't work yourself too hard. You need to take a break now and then."

I laughed. "That's rich coming from the biggest workaholic in the place."

"Yeah, I'm starting to see the error of my ways. There's a whole world outside this bar and you can't work yourself to death. Work/life balance, that's what it's all about."

"Yeah, get out of here or you'll have no work/life balance yourself."

Things had been quiet since we opened and I thought about leaving Drew in charge while I snuck into Violet's office for a nap. I hadn’t been sleeping well lately. It wasn't just the sore back and aching feet either. Too many old memories stirred up and spinning around in my mind for me to relax. By the time I got to sleep, it was almost time to get back up for work. I'd tried drinking before bed, even warm milk, but nothing worked. Then it’d be time to get up and start another day. Maybe if I had a decent sleep, this permanent bad mood would leave me.

But, leaving Drew in charge was way too risky. Maybe he'd be okay pouring a beer but anything more complicated would floor him. Not that there was anyone much in the bar to worry about but you never knew when a big group would come in and want something complicated.

Maybe I should start training him in bar work. Or I could roster more staff on so I could cover a break for myself. The easiest way to would be to get in a pest removal company and get that massive rat called Holden removed from my life.

The bar phone rang and I answered it.

Nancy. She'd started two weeks ago and was rostered to work.

"I can't come in tonight," she said. "I've got a cold."

"This is the third time you've had a cold since you started. That seems rather unfortunate."

Seriously did the girl even want a job? You can't just waltz in and work the days you wanted.

"It's a recurring cold," she said. "I can't seem to shake it off."

Someone giggled in the background.

"Fine, I'll work the entire shift on my own. That's okay. You take care of yourself."


She obviously didn’t get sarcasm. I slammed the phone down then regretted being so half-arsed with her. I should've

told her if she didn't come in tonight not to bother coming in at all. But no, I kept giving these slackers leeway. If I sacked her, I'd just have to find more staff with no guarantee that they'd be any better.