VIOLET MIGHT THINK she was all about Razer but that was just a passing fancy because she’d thought she lost him. That thing between them wouldn't last. I'd make sure of that. I had a few tricks up my sleeve and I never admitted defeat.

I sat in the bar waiting for them to announce the results of the competition. The official announcement had been my idea. I wanted to win and I wanted to do it publicly. Anyway, the people were invested in the result.

"I don't think you're going to win," said Carlie, pouring me another drink.

"Well, you think wrong." Even though I sounded confident, I wrapped my fingers around the lucky coin in my pocket. I didn't believe in that kind of thing but it never hurt either. I crossed my legs and waited for the action to start.

Most people milled around the stage. The crowd would be all about Razer, of course. If they were my fans, they'd have stayed at home and not given him extra numbers. But that didn't matter. If I won, I won.

Finally, Sally walked to the stage. She had a smile on her face but that could mean anything. She mucked around with the microphone like people who aren't used to being on stage do, making it feedback and then trying to adjust it.

"Hello..." she said.

People cheered.

"Tell us the results," someone yelled.

I grasped the coin tighter. This had to be my moment. I ran my finger around the grooves on the edge.

"Okay, thanks for coming out tonight and last week to support Alex."

The crowd cheered again. Dazza came over to join me. He shot me a smile. It was easy for him. Either way, he was on the winning team. In the lead up to the gigs, I'd tried to bribe him to poach some support for us but he’d insisted on being even-handed.

Violet and Razer stood on the other side of the room. She had her hand on his arm, trying to drag him off. She obviously didn't have much confidence that he'd win and wanted to spare him the pain. But there'd be even more pain in store for him when I won. She could say the deal didn't mean anything but I had enough charm that the date with me would change her mind. We were so much alike and he... he was a meathead. That's all you could say about him.

"It's been a very close competition, pants wettingly close, you might say,” Sally continued. “Both bands are incredibly talented and played their guts out. It's not about who's best, though, it's about who's the most popular."

She could just get on with it.

"In fact, there was just one person the difference. So, if you're not happy with the result, blame yourself. You could've dragged your friends along or something. One person, that’s something amazing."

"She needs a drumroll," Dazza said. "I should be up there to do it for her."

Finally, she took a deep breath and got ready for the announcement, letting the silence fill the room before she dropped the result.

"So, I guess you want to know the winner. Even though the real winner tonight i

s rock, the best band, the winning band, is Zero. Alex, it's all yours."

I let myself grin, just a little. I'd done it. Only one person, though. That was almost like losing.

"Damn," said Dazza. "I knew I shoulda got my mum and dad to come along. That'd have made us win. Damn, damn."

"When you say 'us' you mean Razer?"

Dazza stared at me. It took a moment of processing for him to realize what he’d said. "Yeah, but..."

"But?" I glared at him until he turned red.

"Well, Razer's my mate. We're friends. I play in your band but that's just for money, isn't it? We're not a team. We're not friends. If you found a better drummer, you'd kick me out on my butt without thinking about it."

Dazza mightn't be the sharpest knife in the drawer but he had that right. That's business. He wandered off while I basked in my bittersweet victory.

“Alex!” Sally called.

The crowd screamed for me to get up on stage so I obliged them, even though the prize I should’ve been accepting still stood holding Razer. I watched them from the stage. I could let her go for now. I had something more than a lucky coin in my pocket.

“Thanks,” I said, scanning the crowd. “I know I should be humble but that’s really not my thing.”