I'd resisted those eyes for as long as I could. I wanted to drown in them. I wanted to lose myself in the depths. He maintained eye contact just long enough to have me squirming uncomfortably on the sofa.

As he moved closer, I couldn't breathe. My chest tightened until I thought I'd pass out. Every nerve cell in my body zapped and zinged. He brushed his lips against mine, so lightly I wasn't sure if he’d really touched me or not.

I’d known that was coming but nothing prepared me for the response of my body. Alex was pure electricity. I could do this. I could be with him.

My arms went around his neck without me even having to think about it. I wanted to know what the full force of his kiss would be like.

He moved his body to press against mine as his lips brushed butterfly kisses against my neck.

I couldn't fight the feelings I had for him any longer. Since the moment he'd first walked into my office, he'd stirred something in me. Not love but definitely passion. A fiery, hot passion.

He kissed me properly. His lips on mine, still gentle but with a promise of more. A million thoughts flooded my mind, pressing together until they became a buzz of noise. Then he kissed me harder and all those thoughts flew away, like fireflies into the night.

His fingers caressed my face as his passion became more insistent. The only thought left in my mind was that I wanted him. I wanted this. He was the one I needed.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, moving closer to him.

Lust gushed through my body. These sensations, it'd been too long since I'd felt them. I pushed that time with Razer to the back of my mind. I would not think of that. Not think of him at all. My body melded into Alex's and I moaned softly.

Alex pulled away from me, scanning my face as though the answers to life were written there. He grinned, slowly, with a smile that screamed dirty sex. I wanted dirty sex. It'd been far too long since I'd had dirty sex. I moved so that my leg was on top of his, giving him the signal to go ahead. Do what he wanted. I was ready and willing.

He stroked my thigh, running his fingers up the back of my leg in a way that had me bucking toward him. He was taking this slow but I needed a fast release.

Then someone knocked on my office door. What the fuck?

"Go away," I called out. "I'm not here."

"Violet, there's been an emergency."

It was Drew. Of course it was Drew. He was the only who'd knock on my door instead of just barging in.

"Can't someone else handle it? What about Hamish?"

"The power's gone out upstairs. He's trying to fix it but people are going nuts. No one knows what to do and Hamish is having a breakdown."

I disentangled myself from Alex and straightened my clothes. My sexy times would have to wait. This needed to be sorted out.

Chapter 26 VIOLET

ALEX WAITED FOR ME in the bar downstairs. He hadn’t gone home like I’d thought he would.

We'd gotten the power back on upstairs but I’d sent the bands home. I wanted to get the electrics checked out in case they overloaded anything. I'd promised them other slots and given them free drinks. Everyone was happy. Except me. I was exhausted.

I slumped on the bar, burying my head in my arms. Carlie reached over and patted me on the head.

"You should ask Chucklehead for a raise. Or make him get a bar manager, like me, I'd be an awesome bar manager and then I'd get the raise. He's such a cheap bastard."

I raised my head.

"He knows we'll do it. We're the ones stuck here with the angry mob. We have to deal with things or we'll get massacred. Meanwhile, he just breezes in and collects the money and then gets himself into debt. The whole situation sucks."

Of course, I had to do it. As much as I despised Chuck at times, he was the one who'd given me a chance when I'd screwed up so badly. I'd never forget that night. I’d fucked up so royally that I wouldn’t have blamed him for kicking me out on my arse and making sure I never got a job in this town again. In any town. No matter what he did, I had to be grateful for that.

Carlie had put a drink next to me. A fancy, red drink with a straw in it.

"You look like you need something special," she said.

"Yeah, at least the red stuff will make me hyper."