"No." I folded my arms. This was a fight I was not even going to enter.

He cocked his eyebrow. "No?"

"I'm not having all kinds of sound tech drama. Hamish’s like a dog with a bone over that sound desk. He's not going to let some stranger come in. It's enough of a nightmare getting someone to fill in when he's sick. He came in once with a broken leg, said you don't need legs to mix sound."

"I think I can persuade him."

That arrogant shrug he gave should've annoyed me but it didn't. Alex was as cocky as all fuck and determined to get his own way.

"Look, if you can get him to say it's okay, I'll be okay with it too but if I have to listen to one bitch or moan from him, that's it. I have enough shit in my life without all that."

"You don't need to have all that shit in your life, you know."

Whoa, heat coming in waves from his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I turned from the heat.

"You need to have more fun, Violet. You can't devote all your life to this club. I can understand you love your job and that it means everything to you but, once in a while, you have to blow off some steam. If you work hard, you have to play hard too."

I shrugged. I tried to make it casual but I was caught in the fire of his gaze. Alex got me sometimes. Really got me. He understood my drive and my need to be the best at my job.

Before I could say anything, Razer sat down with us.

I figured he needed to know the situation.

"Alex is bringing in his own sound guy if he can work things out with Hamish. You have the same deal. You can bring in someone of your own, so long as I have no dramas."

Razer gave a cheeky grin. "Why would I do that? No one comes to see the sound guy. Unless you're getting a hot chick soundie. Are you planning on that? Because that'd be a real cheat."

Alex just rolled his eyes. "This competition is going to be a breeze if you aren't even taking it seriously."

Razer's eyes suddenly flashed and he faced Alex square on.

"I'm taking it serious, mate. You'd better believe that. I don't need to take it seriously by telling other people how to do their jobs or by splashing money around. Being the best on stage, that's my plan."

Chapter 22 VIOLET

AS I WATCHED RAZER on stage that night, he sure proved he was taking it seriously, on stage at least. He worked the packed-out crowd like he was on fire. The air crackled like a storm breaking over the stage.

People are such sheep – and that's a good thing sometimes. After the night of near disaster, word had spread that we were still open for business and going strong. In fact, the possibility that we might close down in the future made people more determined to get into the place. Who knew when it'd be their last chance? So, we'd been having a huge night and Razer's gig was huger than usual.

"They're fantastic tonight, aren't they? Look at Dazza on drums, you'd hardly believe he was the same guy who stole the pack of Mentos out of my bag earlier today." Carlie had slipped up from the bar, leaving Mark in charge downstairs.

Gina joined us on the door, although she was so quiet, I kept forgetting she was there. I wasn't sure if she was having a good time because she kept picking nervously at her fingernails. It was hard to tell with Gina.

"Let's go up the front for the last few songs," said Carlie, pulling Gina with her. "It's going crazy."

That was fine

for them. The door bitch rostered on to work tonight had called in sick, so I was stuck with door duties. And it sucked. It sucked so much.

"Yeah, that's okay. I'll be fine here on my own," I called after them but, of course, they didn't hear me over the band. Sometimes, my job was the worst. Responsibility and all that.

God, Razer pulled some chick out of the crowd up on stage with him. People were going insane and no wonder. Her stripper outfit probably had every guy in the room worked up, short shorts and a tiny halter top. It was the sort of thing I’d wear to sleep in but not to go out and see a band.

Or maybe I just hated seeing Razer touch another woman, even if it was a crowd-pleaser.

Razer put his guitar aside while the other guys kept playing. She stood in front of him, gyrating her butt against his crotch while he pretended to play her like a guitar, his fingers slipping awfully low on her stomach.