Chuck shrugged. I knew that meant he'd put that idea aside. The last thing he wanted around here was inspectors – building inspectors, health inspectors, anyone like that would have a field day once they got started.

"If we make $50,000 out of these two nights, that'd put a huge dent in the financial hole."

I didn't bother explaining you didn't really want to put a dent in a hole.

"Since these guys are doing this to get to you, any chance they'd play for free?"

I couldn't believe Chuck asked that. Jerk. I was tempted to throw my boot at his head.

I’d agreed to this debacle, and I’d go through with it, but as soon as Trouble was out of danger, I’d get some premium revenge on Chuck. I had no idea what that would be, but I’d make sure he suffered.

Chapter 20 ALEX

I HAD THIS IN THE BAG. That meathead wouldn't know what hit him. Sure, he might be popular with the small crowd that hung out at the club but I had connections and a broad fan base.

And, the secret weapon in my arsenal, a bank balance that would support the kind of campaign I intended launching.

You don't flash that kind of money around rockers. Not only does it ruin any cred you have but it means you get freeloaders hanging around wanting loans and drinks.

I didn't have time in my life for freeloaders. I didn't have time for failure either. If I had to flash the cash to get the deed done, I'd work my cards over time.

Then, the prize would be mine. Violet. One night with me would seal the deal. When she saw the kind of luxury that money could provide, she'd be hooked. That girl needed pampering. She needed someone who treated her well.

In the meantime, I'd play it cool. None of those losers at the club could tell the difference between a designer t-shirt and one off the rack at a discount store. That difference was in the way it made you look, the way the fabric hugged your finely-toned abs. The same with music. Talent only got you so far then you needed the best gear and the best people around you.

I wasn't sure about this guy, Dazza, from Razer’s band. If I'd left my last band on good terms, I'd have flown my old drummer out but I think he'd rather knife me than play with me again. Creative differences.

The new bassist had a load of potential and I'd booked out a rehearsal studio. Booked it solid 24/7. We needed to be tighter than a virgin's arsehole.

We’d been rehearsing a bit before but that had to be ramped up. I got to the first session and handed out the new schedule.

"Ah... are you sure about this?" Dazza said. "We have to sleep and I've got rehearsal with Razer too. And I have to eat."

"We'll get catering."

"Do I have to pay for that?"

I rolled my eyes. "No."

"Cool. That's so much better than a meat pie."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but then no one looks for brains in a drummer.

"Just let me know when you won't be available and we'll work around it."

Dazza nodded.

"Do you think we'll be ready for our first gig?" the bass player asked.

I'd thought about that. "I'll do some of my solo stuff so you'll only need to learn half the set. Better we do that well than a half-arsed full set. But we need to be ready, you know. We need to know the stuff we're playing inside and out. If that means putting in more hours, we put in more hours."

After rehearsal, I dropped by the club. This whole competition was my in with Violet and I meant to make the most of it. I'd coordinate promos with her and work out press stuff. We'd be alone in her office and the chemistry between us would work its magic. I'd figured out the key to Violet. She was crazy dedicated to her job, with a burning need to prove herself. That made things about a hundred times easier for me since I was the same. We had the same goals and the same fire in our bellies. Just by doing the things I needed to do for myself, I'd win her over.

I headed to the back of the club to her office.

"Oi, you're not allowed back there."

The busboy, I couldn't remember his name but the one with the stringy hair, blocked my way. I could take him easily but I weighed up risks. I didn't want to get on anyone's bad side, not this early in the game.