Then I spun around. I’d had my head so far up my butt that I hadn’t noticed the room had filled up. Where had all those people come from? I hadn’t even noticed I had to push through them to get back.

I could almost hug Razer. He'd done it, he’d actually done it. He got all these people in here, just on his word that that night was pumping.

Razer stood in the middle of the room with a bunch of people. All doubled over, laughing.

Then more punters turned up and I lost sight of him. A while later, I saw him again with two guys at the bar. One of them slapped him on the back while the other nodded. Who even knew what that was about? A couple of girls joined them. One of the guys handed Razer a beer.

He really did have a charisma that got people flocking to him, an air that said he was a star yet still one of them. Alex, on the other hand, always had an aloofness about him. He had fans, not friends.

Another rush of people came through the door and I lost sight of him again. One of them fumbled through his wallet, then his pockets, trying to find cash. I smiled and told him it was okay to take his time, even though I wanted to shout at him to just hurry the fuck up so I could get back to watching the band. Because it was the band I wanted to watch. Not Razer.

The second last band came onstage and the room buzzed, the kind of energy caused by a critical mass of people. The magical feeling when the crowd and the band become one. Perfection.

Razer turned this around from a disaster to a top night.

People kept turning up as the last band started. I had to stick around to collect their money until halfway through the set.

Around about now, Sally or one of the other bar staff usually came over to relieve me. I needed a bathroom and drink break. But I couldn’t even see Sally through the crowd at the bar.

I picked up my beer glass and tilted it. Empty. Not even slops in the bottom for me. Any other time, I'd have that guy hanging around wanting to get me drinks but, when I really needed one, he was too busy with other people.

A while later, I glimpsed him, standing at the back of the room, arms folded as he leaned against a pole. Some short guy stood with him. I knew that guy, he hosted a show on a local radio station, but I could never remember his name. God, when Razer folded his arms like that, the muscles bulged. Buff guys weren't usually my type but there was something mesmerizing about watching Razer’s tats move as his muscles rippled.

That night in the rain came back to me. How he'd carried me back to my apartment, then later... If Chuck hadn't called, what would've happened? Even thinking about it, my stomach swirled. Best not to think about it at all but I couldn’t stop turning the details over in my mind. The gentle way he’d caressed my sore foot, the way he’d touched me, the way his lips brushed mine.

Razer came back over and sat on the edge of the table. I didn't even yell at him for that since I was so grateful. His eyes twinkled as he smiled at me and I smiled back. God, that hint of dimple did things to me.

"I got you a drink." he handed me the glass. "Well, truthfully, I told Sally I was getting drinks for both of us."

"Thanks," I said, taking the beer from him.

Our hands touched and a shiver went through me. I didn't even want to examine that. It was just gratitude.

"Lots of rumors going around about this place. People heard the place is going under. You'd think the club had been boarded up and emptied out the way people have been talking. Weird stuff, Violet. Does Chuck have any enemies? Because it sure looks that way."

I had no idea of anyone in particular but I bet he had a ton of enemies. Chuck was the kind of guy that attracted enemies like honey attracts flies. I mean, if you are a total jerk, that's what happens.

"Thanks for tonight." I brushed my hair from my eyes. "You really helped out a lot."

"Aw, it was nothing, Vi. I couldn't have you sitting here looking all depressed. If I can help, you know I will."

My gaze got caught in his and warmth flooded my body. I didn't want to break that moment. We connected and, for once, I didn't feel like a bad thing. He'd been so great lately that I'd stopped seeing him as just another self-centered rocker but as a friend. Maybe, at times, more than a friend.

I was about to reach out for him when some guy in a Grateful Dead t-shirt came over a slapped Razer on the back, handing him a beer.

That warmth I’d felt seemed to dissipate into the crowd, out of my grasp. What had happened there?

Chapter 17 RAZER

I WALKED INTO REHEARSAL feeling on top of the world. I didn't need a stupid competition to win Violet over and she only seemed to get annoyed when anyone mentioned it anyway. Still, she would be mine. If fate and higher powers existed, they'd make that woman realize that we were meant to be together.

I hadn't helped Violet out to score points with her. I'd have done it for anyone. There was weird shit going on at the club and I loved that place. I sure didn't want it to go under.

I hadn't done much anyway, just called a few friends.

Still, if Violet felt more warmly toward me because of it, I didn't mind.

It’d take more than one good night to save the place, though. I had to think of better ways to help Violet.