My heart sank and, I almost got sucked in by Razer’s sad eyes but I had to harden my heart.

"Well, you know, if you want to have spontaneous fun with me, you might want to book it way in advance. I've got to finish these rosters then I have –"

"Bullshit," said Carlie. "You've been working for hours. Take a break. You don't need to be back until at least nine. Get out of the club for God's sake. Go out, have some fun. See the sun for once in your life."

Razer grabbed my arm. "You heard her. Let's get out for a while."

"Hey, my C

oke. I've still got most of it left..." But Razer kept dragging me.

I wasn't sure I like being pulled out of the bar like that but I didn't have much choice. Part of me tingled with the thrill of it all and part of me wanted to punch Razer for his nerve. He wasn't normally this pushy.

Once we got outside, he put his arm around my shoulder. I tried to pull away but he held me tight. Was I being kidnapped? It was okay for Carlie to tell me to go out and have fun but I didn't know Razer that well and I kinda liked being in my own territory, where I was the one in control.

He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket.

"You have a car?" I asked.

"Not a car," he replied, leading me around the corner. A motorbike? I knew nothing about bikes, nothing at all, but that was no regular bike. It was all black and shiny and huge. Like the kind of bike Satan rode out of Hell.

"I'm not getting on that thing."

"Don't be chicken." He handed me a helmet.

"I am a chicken. This helmet will be all coming between me and scrambled brains." I checked my outfit. Short skirt, bare legs, bare arms. I had far too much flesh exposed. Flesh that could be grazed, bones that could be broken.

"Just a short ride. I'll take it slow."

I screwed up my face, trying to decide if I trusted him. "You promise?"

"Pinkie promise," he said.

"Kinda convenient of you to have a spare helmet. Were you planning this?"

"It pays to be prepared," he said and flashed me the kind of smile that hit me all the way down to my knickers. A smile that caressed my body and made my hairs stand on end. A dimply smile that won my trust.

I put on the helmet and jumped on the bike behind him.

He started up the bike and within 30 seconds, the panic set in.

"Razer, I'm going to kiiiiiiiiiiiiiillll you," I screamed. But he couldn't hear. He'd go slow, he'd said. Just a short ride, he'd said.

I'd never trust that guy again. He drove through the streets like a maniac. We were going to die. I knew it. I'd end up as roadkill, so mangled no one would be able to recognize my body.

Actually, I didn't even want to think about my body. About the way my legs had to wrap around Razer and how I had to press myself tight against him to hold on. Bikes, they were just dirty and wrong. They filled your mind with thoughts of sex and death.

We cut through traffic, narrowly missing a truck and running through a traffic light as it was about to change. My grip on Razer tightened. If I hugged him any tighter, he'd end up with broken ribs and that would serve him right.

Except that it might make him crash.

He headed out of the city, picking up speed as we hit the open road. Then he got on one of the roads going uphill. If I'd thought the city streets were bad, seeing that steep drop down to instant death had me white-knuckled. I ground my teeth down to bare gums and my body ached from muscle tension.

Killing was too good for him. I'd torture him first. I'd tie him in a room and make him listen to Justin Bieber on repeat. I'd feed him on my cooking. I'd get Carlie to serve him warm beer.

Even though, intellectually, I knew I’d be okay with Razer driving, it felt like he was out of control. He pushed me to the edge of my fear but pulled back to let me know I was safe as soon it got too bad.

When I thought I couldn't stand it anymore, he pulled over, skidding and kicking up gravel.