"The prize is a date with Violet. She breaks her 'no rockers' rule for one night,” Alex said.

I jumped off my barstool, backing away.

"No. That is bad. That is really bad. I'm not some trophy for you guys to fight over. I'm not an object that can be won in a competition. I'm staying well out of it. Do it for the kudos. Do it for the glory. Hell, I might even get Chuck to throw in a drink card or something. But leave me well out of it."

I folded my arms and glared from one to the other, daring them to challenge me. If they couldn’t read the anger in my face, they had to be illiterate.

"Wow, she really doesn't want to date you," Razer said to Alex. "She hates you."

Alex laughed. "More like you, mate."

I didn't even want to stick around and catch stupid disease off the pair of them but then Carlie spoke.

"You want to save the club, don't you, Violet? It seems like this would be the best way to do that. Even if you don't want to date either of these bozos, do it for the club."

"It's not going to happen. You guys figure this out but keep me out of it. I will NOT be your prize."

Chapter 9 VIOLET

I WAS BEGINNING TO hate the sight of Chuck. Every time he came into my office it was bad news. He wasn't my favorite person in the world before but I'd mainly been Chuck-neutral.

He stood in the doorway, not entering my space.

"So Violet, I heard about this competition. I think it'd be a really good thing for the club."

"You do?"

Of course, it was a good thing for the club but it would not be a good thing for me.

"We need the money. We need to get out of debt."

Suddenly it was "we". But it wasn't "we" who'd gotten into this trouble.

"You made the rules, remember. No dating the guys who play here. If I agree to this stupid thing, it will go against everything I promised you."

He scratched his head. "I think we can loosen up the rules a little in this case. Jesus, Violet, there is no need to be totally uptight. Think about someone other than yourself."

I couldn't believe he'd said that. Chuck, the most self-centered man in the world. The one who constantly reminded me of my stupid mistake and made sure I never repeated it. I couldn't speak. The hate for him boiled my blood.

“Shit, Violet, it’s not like you’ve never done it before. You were damn quick to get into that other guy’s pants. Think of it as me giving you the green light. God, if I had a band, I’d go in the running myself. I’d love to find out what’s at the top of those sexy legs of yours.”

I wanted to lash out at him but my head pounded too much for me to form words.

“I mean,” he continued, “yo

u’re doing a bit to help out but you aren’t really doing enough.”

I couldn’t believe he was laying this all on me. The office walls closed in around me and I didn’t even want to breathe the same air as him. I had to get out of there. I had to get away from this club before I said things to Chuck I’d regret later.

I bolted out of the club and hit the street before I realized it was raining. One of those summer showers that make the world into a steamy sauna. I huddled under a shop awning, wondering where I was headed anyway. Home was an option but it wasn't an option that would comfort me. And I needed comfort after that talk.

My apartment was just a place to sleep. I spent more time at the club than I ever did at home. I had a bed and some other furniture left over from the previous tenant. I think there was a stove there too.

What did other people do? Go to the movies? I hadn't seen a movie in years. I had no idea what I'd even watch. Go shopping? With no money in my wallet?

People rushed past. Peak hour, the time when normal people knocked off work and headed for the train. I watched them scurry by, all looking like they had important things to do and places to go. They seemed so alien. Going home to families or meeting friends for drinks.

I wanted to put distance between Chuck and me but all I could do was huddle under that shop awning.