“Tell me about it,” I say. “I’ve never lost a parent, Odessa, but I can’t imagine it must have been easy for you.”

“She had cancer. We knew it was coming, but it was still hard. After she died, I had to take care of my brothers because my dad worked so much.”

“You were just a kid,” I murmur.

“At thirteen, I was old enough to know what was happening. I was there with my mom for her cancer treatments and I was at the hospital when she died.”

“Odessa,” I whisper, pulling her tighter to my chest. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

“It’s okay,” she says. “It was a long time ago: a lifetime ago, really, but I guess that’s when I started to feel like I always had to be strong.”

“You had to look after your brothers, and you had to protect yourself. I understand.”

“So now,” she whispers. “When I’m with someone, I guess I still always feel like I’m on guard, like I still have to protect myself.”

“You’ve been through more than anyone should have to go through,” I tell her. “You’re so brave, baby.”

“Sometimes I don’t feel brave, Jasper.”

She rests her head on my chest, and for a minute, I just play with her hair, touching and petting it. For a little while, I just silently let her know that I’m here, that I’ll always be here, that nothing bad is going to happen. Odessa is the strongest woman I’ve ever met, but I want her to know that sometimes, it’s okay to let your guard down.

I need to show her that.

“Come with me,” I tell her.

I stand, lifting her up. She doesn’t protest. Most girls would complain that they’re too heavy or that they feel awkward or uncomfortable, but Odessa doesn’t. She gives this to me, and for that, I’m grateful. She lets me carry her down the hall to my bedroom. I kick the door open with my foot and move into the room, laying her down on the bed.

“Are you going to have your wicked way with me?” She asks coyly.

“I’m going to cheer you up,” I tell her. “And I’m going to prove to you that you can trust me, that you don’t have to be strong around me, Odessa. There are going to be times in life when you need to lean on another person. I’m going to be that person for you, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Kneel up,” I tell her, and she instantly gets into position. This is the best part about being with an experienced submissive. There are plenty of guys who have these weird ideas about being with a woman who has a past. I’m not sure if they just feel like they need to be someone’s “first” or if they’re jealous of their partner’s former lovers, but to me, none of that matters. I like knowing that Odessa has had wonderful, positive sexual experiences. I like knowing that she’s a woman who goes after what she wants.

She kneels up with her legs spread. Those fishnets are going to be my fucking undoing. For a minute, I stand next to the bed and just look at her, taking in her beautiful body.

She’s petite and curvy: a deadly combination. Her dark hair is short and curly, and I love how she wears it. It brings out the curves of her cheekbones and her soft button nose. Her skin is soft, and dark, and I can’t wait to get my fucking tongue on it.

Slowly, I slide my suit jacket off. Odessa is perfectly still as I set it on a chair and then loosen my tie.

“You’re handsome,” she tells me.

“Thank you, beautiful.”

“You’ve been told this before,” she smiles.

“A time or two,” I shrug modestly.

“You undress too slowly, though.”

I cluck my tongue at her. “Trying to get a spanking already? I thought we were takin

g things slowly tonight.”

“I don’t want a spanking,” she blinks innocently. “I was just suggesting that you should probably speed things up if you’re actually planning on fucking me tonight.” She looks pointedly toward the wall clock that hangs above my desk. “If you wait much longer, the night will be over.”

“All right, buttercup,” I smile, unbuttoning my shirt. “That’s two.”