Why did I fuck it up so badly?

It’s because it was one night.

I wanted more, and I knew I wanted more, but I didn’t want her to think I was turning into the clingy, possessive guy.

“Really?” Tony asks. “It doesn’t look like it’s nothing.”

“You two have been dancing around this relationship for months,” Ryder points out. “Why don’t you just apologize for whatever it is you did to fuck things up?”

“Me?” I ask, jaw dropping. “Why do you think I’m the one who fucked up? Maybe she did something. You guys don’t know.”

They all start laughing.

No, not just laughing: guffawing.

And they’re being so fucking loud that it draws the attention of other people in the club who start to glare at us. When June shoots us a nasty look from the bar and the new bartendress follows suit, the guys immediately stop.

“Damn,” Ryder eyes the new bartender. “June’s got her completely trained. That look will put anyone – Dom or sub – in their place.”

“You’re a lucky man,” Zack says.

“I know it,” Ryder agrees.

“What’s her name, anyway?” Tony asks. “I haven’t seen her around before.”

“She’s new,” I tell them. “Amelia.”

“Pretty,” Zack comments.

“Yeah,” I tell them, relieved the focus has finally shifted off of me. “She just moved to the area. She’s a grad student, I think.”

“That’s right,” Ryder says. “She goes to school with Odessa.”

“Speaking of whom…” Tony turns back to me and glares. “You need to apologize, Jasper.”

“No offense, Tony, but you don

’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Actually,” he says. “I do.” His eyes narrow. “Or did you forget that I used to be a divorce attorney?”


Yeah, I did.

I completely forgot.

Anthony used to be quite the shark when it came to divorces. He was a high-powered attorney and one of the best divorce lawyers in the city. He’d been thinking about making a change when he met his now-wife, Macie. She sort of won him over, stole his heart, and they fell madly in love. Shortly after, he left his corporate lawyer job to become the manager of her catering business. From what I can tell, things are going really well for them, but that doesn’t mean things have been easy.

Every relationship has its ups and downs. Everyone has trouble and things they wish they could change and things they need to change. Anthony and Macie make it look easy, though. They really, truly adore each other.

Instead of being honest, I divert the question. “What does that have to do with me?”

All three men look at me, and then at each other.

“He’s dumber than I thought,” Zack says, shaking his head. “Come on, man. Life is short. You might not get another chance. She’s the one for you, isn’t she?”
