“But, I,” I shake my head, staring at the baby. “I don’t know anything about babies.”

“Vow to me,” the woman says. “Swear an oath. Take the baby. Please.”

In this moment, I realize I have two choices.

I can promise this stranger I will save her baby. I can swear that I will return this child. I can save the little one, or I can refuse. I can turn away. I can let whatever is happening proceed uninterrupted without any help or assistance from me.

But somehow, I can’t do that.

“I swear it,” I whisper, looking up at the woman. She looks relieved. She’s not calm by any stretch of the imagination, and her eyes are flittering around, constantly looking to make sure someone isn’t there. She’s running from something terrible. Even I can see that. “You need a doctor,” I insist, but she shakes her head.

She takes my wrist, then, and bites me.

“What the fuck?” I ask, pulling my wrist back.

“You swore an oath,” the woman says.

I look at my wrist. It’s not bleeding, but there are two little puncture wounds where her incisors dug into my skin.

“Yeah, but I didn’t know you were going to fucking bite me,” I say. I look up, but the woman is gone. She’s disappeared into the night, and I’m standing in the parking lot, covered in blood, holding another woman’s baby, and I have bite marks in my wrist.

And I don’t know what to do.

What do I do?

Do I go to the police station?

Do I go to the hospital?

Should I drive around and look for the woman?

The baby seems unharmed, but where is Fablestone? And what does any of this have to do with me? Who’s Lucky? And why are they chasing Ellie?

Suddenly, it starts to rain, and I quickly get into the car, close the door, and lock it. The baby looks up at me and I realize I don’t even know her name, but something tells me this is all much bigger than I could possibly imagine.

Keep reading in DRAGON’S OATH. Available on Amazon.

Take Your Time

Want more contemporary romance from Sophie Stern? Check out this sample of TAKE YOUR TIME: a contemporary ménage romance.

I take the long way home because after ending my relationship with my parents, I need a freaking break. Driving through the mountains is the perfect way to unwind and chill out before I go back to the real world. At least, that's what I think until I'm caught in a freak snowstorm and find myself stranded in the mountains.

I'm lost without cell service and there's no help coming.

I'm lost without a family.

And that's when the lumberjacks come to my rescue. At least, they LOOK like lumberjacks. Keagan and Eli are strong, fit, and brave. They're everything I want and everything I don't need right now.

My life is messed up enough as it is without throwing a menage relationship into the mix.

But I can't help what I want.

And something tells me they want me, too.

Turn the page to read the first two chapters OR visit Amazon to get your copy now!